"Facing him"

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Raven's Pov:

I left a sobbing Beast boy back in my room as i finally made it to my fathers door step.

I hesitated when i brought my hand to the door, i stared at the door, gathering my thoughts. He will kill me, but at least i stood my ground. 

I knocked and a scrawny man answered it, when his eyes landed on mine his widened. 

"Please leave" He whispered.


"The master..he's angry that your not dead..he will hurt you madam" His looked up at me with pleading eyes but it did not waver my decision. I stepped inside and ignored his comments.

I quickly walked through the hallway and to my fathers study, i remembered as a child i ran through these halls once, there was a servant who played hide and seek with me. My father happened to come home early and killed the man in front of me.

After that i stopped be friending servants and spent my child hood alone.

I opened the huge heavy doors and my father had his head in his hands as he sat in his large chair.

"I said not to.." When he looked up his eyes widened then humor consumed them.

"Why dear, your still alive? Where's the green boys body?"

"I didn't kill him" I hissed.

He stood up making the chair fall side ways, i took a step backwards and he walked up towards me.

"I know!" He knocked some objects off his desk and ran a hand over his head.

"But how are you alive?" His eyes fumed with anger.

"My friend called a witch who happened to play with death" The corners of my mouth twitched into a smile which made him more irritated.

Beast Boy pov:

I shoved a shirt on and jumped into the portal after her. I'm going to help her, i'm not leaving her alone with that monster.

When i fell to the other side i was in front of a large mansion. It had a dreary setting and i gulped before knocking softly.

A man answered, he looked like he had been starved to death "Y-Yes?"

"Have you seen Raven?"

He looked down at his bare feet "I have" He said in a hush voice.

"Can you tell me where to find her?"

He looked up at me with big eyes "Please keep her safe" He pointed down the hallway to a giant door.

I nodded and ran down the hallway, and busted into the room where Raven stared at me in terror and Trigon's laugh echoed through out the room.

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