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Beast boy pov:

This day has been getting worse and worse.

I walked slowly down the hall wanting to collapse and just cry. I've never felt this way before and i'm not sure how to handle it. My emotions are going crazy. 

"Hey BB! What do you want for dinner?" Cyborgs voice was as cheerful as ever and i didn't dare turn around, i didn't want him to see my tear staind face.

"uhm..i'm not really hungry" I said softly.

"Oh okay, well do you know what Raven wants?"

I flinched as he spoke her name. I slowly shook my head.

"Are you okay?" He placed a hand on my shoulder and turned me slightly. I let my head droop down towards the ground and refused to look him in the eye.

"Have you been crying?" His voice rang with concern.

"It's whatever" I shoved his hand off and began opening my door.

"It's not whatever" He barged in after me.

"Just let it go" I demanded through gritted teeth.

"I'm your best friend, tell me whats going on. You can trust me" His face held a hurt expression and i averted my eyes to my feet as i sat on the edge of my bed.

"I.." I had no idea where to begin. Should i even tell him? What would they do to raven if they found out about her wanting to kill me. That thought made my chest ache with sadness and anger. 

Who cares. The voice in the back of my head kept reminding me that she didn't even want me alive, so who cares what happens to her. But i love her and i do care even though i shouldn't.

"I'm in love with Raven" I blurted out.

Cyborgs eyes widened, obviously not exspecting that. "Oh" Was all he could say. "Does she not feel the same?" He cocked an eyebrow.

I bit my lip, having a war with myself whether to tell him the whole truth or tell him partial of it.

"Something like that.." I muttered.

Cyborg sighed and sat next to me. "Look, just lay everything out on the table. I'm always here for you"

He gave me a comforting pat on the back and let out a sigh. "I broke up with Terra because i wanted Raven"

He nodded, encouraging me to say more.

"I went to her room to tell her how i felt and after i confessed she confessed something too.."

Cyborg nodded letting everything sink in "Which was?"

"That.." My lip began to quiver. "That..she was dying"

The room went deadly silent, i couldn't even hear his breathing anymore.
"She's dying?" His voice cracked and i nodded slowly.

"That's not all.."

He let out a trembling sigh "Go on" He said softly.

"She said that she's suppose to.."

I felt a silent tear fall from my eye "That she has to kill me.."

Cyborg darted off the bed and began to pace around my messy room. "She what?!" Anger ran clear as day in his voice and i began feeling nervous for Raven.

Don't you dare feel sorry for her.

Cyborg almost busted my door off my hinges as he barged into Raven's room "Where are you traitor?!" Robin and starfire came running in , from the commotion.

Cyborg filled them in and they looked more pissed than cyborg was. I felt more tears falling down my cheeks as they ran out of the tower in search for Raven. I looked back into her room as her window was wide open and the curtains blew around from the wind.

I slowly walked into the silent room and sat on her bed. I laid down not having enough will power to go with the rest of the team. I smelled raven's scent from her sheets and sobbed silently.

"I don't want to love her anymore.." My voice trembled through out the room.

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