"Keep this between us"

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Beast boy: pov

I woke up with a smile from the amazing dream i had.
I rolled over and saw Raven's sleeping face and my arm wrapped around her slim waist.

I sat up and relized that it wasn't a dream after all, my smile faltered when i remembered something, i can't stay in this bed it's wrong.

I quickly got out of bed and hoped that i could make it out before Raven woke up, but when i got up the bed shook a bit and that was all it took to wake the girl up.

"Beast boy?" Her voice was small and sounded fragile. I closed my eyes in defeat as i slowly turned towards her. Immediatly i regreted it, seeing her beautiful face and her crazy bed hair.

"Morning" I mumbled nervously.

She smiled and stared at me "Good morning"

This was such a different side of her, more sweet and ..vulnarble? Her eyes were soft and light, taking away the darkness she usually held in them.

"S-Sleep well?"

She nodded and furrowed her brows "Are you okay?"

I scratched the back of my head and wouldn't meet her gaze "About last night.." I trailed off.

She blushed "Oh.. i had a nightmare, nothing to worry about, sorry for making you sleep with me"

I looked up "uhm yeah about that.. could you not tell anyone?"


"Uhm sure" I mumbled. Was he ashamed? I know i was, showing him how weak i was.. i mentally scoffed at myself.

"You see i don't want Tara to get the wrong idea..so"

I felt my blood run cold, Tera? I remember before i left he was texting her quite a bit but i didn't know..

I bit my lip "I understand" I said emtionlessly. "Could you get out so i can get dressed"

I opened the door with my powers and he walked out without saying another word. I slammed it back closed. I trembled from anger, mainly at myself for letting my guard down when it came to beast boy.

I don't need him. I don't need anyone.

I got up and knocked a stack of books on the ground, i walked around them and walked towards the window.

I was beyond pissed.
But i'll get over it.

I opened the window and flew out, feeling the cool december air against my legs.


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