"What can I do?"

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Beast Boy pov:

My breathing becomes heavy and i start pacing, tugging at my hair. This has to be some twisted joke.

"Your joking right?" it comes out rudely  but i was in a state of panic.

She glared up at me "Why would i joke about something like that?"

I walk over towards the door and sat next to her, my heart is slowly breaking and I can't do anything to fix it. I feel numb and I can't imagine how Raven feels.

I looked over and her eyes are searching my face. "Don't tell anybody" She whispers.

I immediatly stand up on my feet in anger. "They have a right to know, we all may never see you again!" My voice cracked at the end and i felt my eyes burning. "we're your friends!"

"Please" She begs.

I fall to my knees and put my head in my hands as the tears begin rolling down my face.

"You can't leave me Rae.."

Raven's Pov:

I watch as the boy i hold dear to my heart is a sobbing mess in front of me.

I gently tug my hood on and let stray tears fall down my cheeks. I shouldn't have told him. 

I looked up and see beast boy staring at me with watery eyes. His mouth opens then closes, as if to say something.

I close my eyes hoping he's not about to say the thing that i think he is.

I bite my lip roughly and plead inside my head.

"I love you"

My heart shatters as his words come tumbling off his lips. I frantically shake my head "No you don't!"

I hear his heavy footsteps coming towards me, i look up and he has more tears falling.

He knees in front of me "Look at me" He begs.

I look up at him and he smashes his lips onto mine. My tears stream down harder onto my cheeks as i run my hand through his hair pulling him closer to me.

I love him so much, but i can't have him. I stand up making him lose balance and fall on his bum. I let my bangs cover my now bloodshot eyes as i walk over to the window.

"Go" My voice is cold and i can hear his soft sniffles.




My heart sinks, please..

"Now Beast Boy"



"Why? At least give me a reason as to why?"

I open the window and stood up on the edge, i slowly look back at him. He's trembling out of anger with a tear staind face.

"I'm suppose to kill you" My voice is lacking any emotion as i stare out onto Jump city.


Keep me Safe. (Raven & Beast Boy -Teen Titans)Where stories live. Discover now