"You can't take her"

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Omg! Over a 1,000! Jeez i don't know what to say, i'm so happy! :3


Beast Boy Pov:

I looked up into her tear filled eyes and my heart ached to have her in my arms. I quickly got up and began to half jog over to the hospital bed, her eyes widened, i was so close to touching her trembling arm when the unknown man grabbed me,pulling me back.

"Now Now..She has a rare virus in her that i could extract and use." He looked up through his half shut eyes.

I felt anger begin to course through my veins, how dare he shove me away from my Raven.

I clenched my fists and stared angrily at the ground.

"So" The man finally breathed out "My price has gone up" He popped the 'P' with amusement clear in his voice.

"Price?" Raven breathed out, i looked over to cyborg with a questioning glance.

"He brings the dead back for a hefty price and i couldn't stand around seeing you like that BB..but Morner we had a deal and a set price."

Cyborg pointed angrily at his chest with a glare.

He walked over to Raven and grabbed her chin roughly with his hand "Isn't the pretty face worth it"

She yanked her face back and he grabbed her arm tightly, she yelped and that set me off.

"Don't touch her" I hissed. I shoved his arm away from her.

The almost seven foot man looked down on beast boy with a smirk on his lips. "That virus has trigon all over it and i'm dying to get on trigon's good side"

Raven's face went pale. So the virus was killing her and if the virus belonged to trigon then..

"Your own father was trying to kill you?!" I was shocked that she hadn't told me the truth and that her own father would do that to his own daughter.

She wouldn't meet my eyes.

"Look enough with the chit chat, you gonna pay me my new price?"

"we don't have that kind of money" Cyborg replyed softly.

"Fine" He back over to Raven and tried to pick her up. She flailed and fell off the bed. I charged at the man and knocked him over.

He snapped his attention towards me and he was definatly pissed off.

"Come on little green man, let's see what you got" He stood up and waited for me to make a move.

I ran at him and was about to change into a rhino when out of no where he appeared next to me and hit me in random spots on my back. I fell and when i tried changing into a animal.. i couldn't.

"What did you do to me?"

"It'll only last for a couple of hours but i thought we could have a fair fist fight." His smirk grew bigger and i nodded with a glare pointed at him.

He came out me and punched me with all his strength into my jaw. I felt blood drip down on my chin.

"Beast Boy!" Raven was about to come and try to help me when i shot her a look.

"This is my fight" I said darkly. She slowly sat back down with wide eyes.

She gulped obviously thrown off by my new behavior and nodded in understandment.

"Let's begin" Chuckled the man.

Keep me Safe. (Raven & Beast Boy -Teen Titans)Where stories live. Discover now