"Telling the truth"

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Beast boy pov:

It's as if she keeps punching me in the heart over and over. She's dying and set out on killing me?

"Your lieing" I whisper as my voice begins to quiver. She wants me dead? 

"I'm not" Theres not one drop of emotion in her voice and i try convincing myself that this is one big nightmare, but fail. She looks up at me with a thin line placed on her lips. Her eyes are dull and unreadable.

I start walking over to her "Please tell me your lieing.." I bite my lip hard to stop the trembling that has coursed through my body.

She turns fully around and states slowly "Beast boy, i'm suppose to kill you, it's the truth. I'm not gonna tell you what you want to hear, i'm sorry"

I can't look at her, the betrayal stings and she has smashed any remaining pieces to my heart. I can't talk because once i open my mouth, only sobs will come out.

I wipe the tears on my cheek away with the back of my hand as i turn around, heading for the door.

I can't look at her, i can't speak to her and i don't want to love her anymore.

Raven's pov:

I watch as Beast boy stares at the door knob blankly then quietly leaves the room.

I look down at the city again, it blurs with my tears and seeing his face twist up when i told him that, was unbearable.

I'd never want to harm Beast boy, i don't want to do this to him and i won't.

Anger courses through me when i remember visiting my father.


"My lady, your father would like to talk to you" One of his servants lead me out of my room that i'd be staying in. We walk down a glorious hallway and all i hear is screams. The usual around here, everytime a scream echos into the hallway the servant flinches.

He must know what's going on in those rooms or he's simply new.

He stops me in front of a huge door and begins scurrieing away.

I float into a giant room with a couple of people inside, they talk in hush voices as my father spots me.

"There's my daughter" He announces.
I float over to him and his face holds no emotion. "I have asked you here to do a favor for me. One that you cannot refuse"

He smiles sweetly at me only making me more nervous.

"What is it?" My tone is soft and knowing him this favor will either be dangerous or horrifying.

He never asks for favors but when he does, you usually have no choice but to go through with them.

He let's out a happy sigh. "That green boy in your little..hero group, what's his name?"

When he said hero disgust was clear in his voice. Why does he want to know beast boy?

"Beast boy.." I trailed off.

"Well he needs to be ..taken care of" He adjusts his standing position obviously feeling a tad bit uncomfortable.

"Taken care of?" I was wasn't understanding what he was trying to tell me.

"I want you to kill him for me"

My breathing catches and suddenly i remember when i was sick and he had made me breakfast in bed. He made me bacon which he absolutly hates since he's a vegetarian, he kept me company all day and it ment the world to me. I felt my eyes tear up.

"You want me to kill him?" My voice cracked at the end as i tried to keep my emotions in control.

He cleared his thoat "Yes, you have three months to do so or you will be greatly punished."

"I'm not doing it"

He slitted his eyes at me and grabbed the front of my cloak. My eyes widened in terror as he got in my face. 
"You will do this for me raven" He hissed.

I pushed him back "I will not!" I yelled.

"Cornia!" He snapped his fingers and a women with scarrs all over her body shoved me to the ground. She took out a shot with a smile. The vile connected to the shot was filled with black liquid.

I tried to struggle but she was stronger, i was about to use my powers when she pierced my skin with the needle in my neck.

My body began to burn and i screamed a piercing scream. She got off of me and i began to flail on the ground.

"What did you do to me!?" I screamed through pants.

My father crouched down smiling over me. "I shot a virus through you my sweet heart" He caressed my cheek with his freezing cold hand. 

"When you complete the task i'll give you the anticdote and you will survive but if you don't.." He grinned widely and whispered into my ear "You fall to the floor dead"

My eyes widened and tears slid down my cheeks "You would kill your own daughter?!"

"I can always make another one"  He chuckled as he walked out of the room.

"You asshole!"

I was about to run after him when my body began to burn again, i let out a cry and fell to the ground, watching my fathers back with venom in my eyes. "I'll kill you!" I gritted through my teeth.

His chuckle echoed through the room "I can't wait until the day you try my dear Raven"

*end of flashback*

I jumped out of the window and flew to town. It's better if i don't say anything else to Beast boy.

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