"Against what i stand for"

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Hello!  I still have a couple of more chapters for this story up my sleeve ;3 lol
Uhm as soon as this one is done i'm going straight to "Read my mind" It's a gorillaz fan fiction. If you don't know who they are, there a band that i just fucking adore xD Check it out after reading this story, maybe?
***Also, Comment down below someone (A person, band, cartoon character, movie, etc) You'd like me to write a fan fiction about. I love to write but i'm stumped. So if you'd like me to write a fan fiction with your idea, shoot your comments down below! I'll dedicate the whole thing to you. (I'm only choosing one idea though) Uhm just throw this out there i also write Yaoi's (BoyxBoy) Just saying c; lmao. Anyways i'll leave you guys alone so you can read. Bye~Bye!***


Beast Boy's Pov:

I leaned against the wall, staring at a empty bank. It was almost midnight so obviously it was closed. I had my hood draping over my eyes and my trembling hands shoved into my pockets.

I can feel my stomach beginning to churn as i remember why i'm here.

I need the money.

Can i even still consider myself a hero after this?

I sighed and bit my lip, Raven's desperate eyes kept flashing across my mind. For her.

I'm going against what i vowed to myself, this town and my friends back at that tower for her. I quickly walked over to the deserted bank and held a hammer firmly in my hand.

I still couldn't turn back into different animals due to that asshole that's causing all of this trouble.

I counted to three and smashed through the glass doors, a loud ring pierced my ears and i ran in getting what i needed.

Raven's Pov:

The towers alarm went off telling us crime was active in the town we protected.

The man chuckled as he lent back in his seat, cyborg looked down at his hands. 

"It's beast boy..isn't it" I stated softly.

"Yeah" He held a screen up to let me see and it showed a picture of a green man hiding under a hood holding bags of money.

Guilt washed over me and maybe i should have stayed dead instead of being selfish. What morbid thinking.

Robin bursted through the door "Cyborg, there's been a robbing.." He trailed off as his eyes widened seeing me huddled in a ball against the wall.

"Your alive?"

I didn't answer because..well i'm breathing in front of him.

He walked over and crushed me into a hug, my eyes widened in surprise by his affection. "Could to have you back, you stay here and rest while we get this call"


Robin let go of me and walked over to Cyborg, he lifted the screen to robin's face. He went pale.

"Let's talk"

Cyborg and Robin stepped out of the room so he could explain the situation but he left me in this room with this creep.

"I thought the little dude was a hero" He mocked,

"He is" I defended.

He laughed "Oh really? Last time I checked honey, hero's don't steal"

His sentence hit me in the gut with more guilt.

"Now you'll have the little robber if he doesn't get stopped by the cops" I looked over at his smirking face.

"After all he still doesn't have his powers"

My eyes widened. Oh god, i think i'm gonna be sick. What if they catch him? What if they hurt him? All for selfish old me.

I stood up "I'm going to help him"

"Fine but i won't bring you back a second time" He tipped his black hat over his eyes with a smile still on his lips.

"And i wouldn't want you to" With that i let the shadows take me to Beast Boy.

Keep me Safe. (Raven & Beast Boy -Teen Titans)Where stories live. Discover now