"Take it"

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Hello! I'm so sorry i haven't updated in what three days? Oh well anyways my computer has been having some issues and i've been living off my phone. I'm just not one to write off my phone and for that i'm sorry Dx! In hopes of not having any upset 'Keep me safe' readers i shall do a double update today and the first one to comment i will dedicate this chapter too. I'm sorry for the delay and hope you enjoy!


Beast Boy pov:

I sat behind a dumpster in a dark alley as four cop cars sped by. I kept a strong grip on the bags of money as i quickly tried to come up with a escape plan.

I put my head in my hands, what if i don't make it back in time? What if i get caught.

I felt a soft hand on my shoulder. My eyes went wide and i quickly threw myself away from the touch.

When i looked up i saw a scowl on Tera's face. "What are you doing over here?"

I looked down at my feet and shrugged as my hands began to tremble.

"You after that robbery?"

She walked closer towards me with a suspisous voice. "Why do you have those bags of money?"

I bit my lip and refused to stare at her "Your the robber" She didn't ask she simply stated.

I looked up to find her smirking "Proud of ya"

Confusion welled up in me until i saw her holding a duffel bag with a crsip hundred dollar bill flaping out of the zipper.

"You stole that?" My voice quivered at the end, i use to date a villian?

"All ten thousand" She stated proudly.

"How long have you been stealing?"

"Erm maybe a year now?"

I felt sick to my stomach. I nodded slowly "I have to go"


Before i turned i looked up at her small smile "Let's go back to my place and catch up?"

"Uhm i don't know" I scratched the back of my head awkwardly. I won't lie i do miss Tera, seeing her has brought up old emotions but i truly love Raven.

"Beast boy.." She grabbed my hands and intertwined her fingers with mine. She leaned in close to my face.

"I love you BB" 

I heard footsteps coming from the end of the alley. Fear built up in me and my lip began to have a slight tremble. A figure of a person walked into the moonlight. My face went pale as Raven's face came into view.

Her hair flew in the small breeze that felt good against my clammy skin, her eyes were a dark shade of purple a blaze with anger. Her skin was pale and looked like the old Raven i've always known.

Her cape flew behind her letting me get a nice view at her perfect legs. Her uniform clung to her skinny frame and she was just perfection.

Tera scoffed at her as she held a tighter grip onto my gloved hands.

"Did i interupt something?" Raven hissed.

Oh no, did she get the wrong idea?

"Rave-" Before i could finish her name, dark matter covered my mouth. Tera let go of me as i tried to pry the darkness off my mouth.

Tera cracked her knuckles with a cocky smirk plastered across her lips.

"You did actually, freak"

Raven's jaw tensed up and my nerves went to there peak.

Tera walked over to me and squished my cheeks together "Isn't his lips kissable?"

Ravens eyes became slits and a small smile formed.

"Yes, they are. When i kissed him they were oh so soft"

Tera's breath caught as she immediatly let go of me "You kissed her?!"

I tried talking but the dark matter prevented it.

She clenched her fists as she charged at Raven.

Raven smiled still standing in the middle of the alley waiting for her blow "Come on bitch" Raven laughed.

Keep me Safe. (Raven & Beast Boy -Teen Titans)Where stories live. Discover now