"My friends"

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Listen to the song on the side while reading? o.o i listened to it while writing ;c


Raven's pov:

I sat ontop of a bank with my legs dangling off the edge, i guess i'll be alone until my time comes. I bit my lip trying my hardest not to sob.

I remembered the days spent alone, when i had no emotions, no friends, no one.

All you do is hurt people.

I shook my head frantically. "No i'm letting myself die so he won't be hurt..." I felt a tear slide down my pale cheek. 

"Raven!" I heard a scream from behind and without turning i slowly smiled.

"Robin" I said in a monotone voice.

"Look at me" He hissed. I flew up and turned my head, his face had anger written all over it,starfire held her hands together staring at me with sadness and cyborg gritted his teeth with hatred in his eyes.

"You want to kill beast boy?! You'll have to get through us first. If you touch my best friend i will not hesitate to kill you." Venom was laced in every word cyborg threw at me.

I smiled weakly. Beast boy hated me, i hated me, my firends hated me and i'm gonna die anyways, why not let it be by the hand of one of my close friends?

So i decided to end everything tonight. I edged him on "We'll see" I forced a chuckle.

Cyborgs face twisted into a furious glare before he charged at me with his metal fist. Everything seemed to slow in slow motion. I didn't use magic, i let my feet touch the ground as i stood on the edge of the banks roof. I closed my eyes and felt all of cyborgs anger in my stomach. 

His fist hit so hard i heard a crunch, a rib maybe?

I felt blood drip from my lips as i smiled up at cyborg. He stared down at me with wide eyes. "Thank you.." I mumbled.

My body slowly fell off his fist and backwards as my body fell through the air and coming in fast towards the sidewalk down below.

I closed my eyes as tears spilled from under my eyelids. 

"what are you doing?" I looked over my book with one of my eyebrows shot up.

He chuckled "well it's valentines day.." His cheeks grew a tint of pink.

"And?" I hissed obviously wanting him to get to the point.

He Looked down at his feet as he held something in his hands. "I saw no one give you anything, so i got you a little something.." He held out his hand and my eyes softened.

"You didn't have to" I whispered gently.

"But i wanted to" He smiled up at me as a silver necklace slid into my palm. I studyed it, it had two silver plates, one had "Raven" Written across it and the other had "Beast boy"

"Just so you know i'm always here for you" I looked up stunned at what he had gotten me. "Oh beast boy"

I couldn't help but smile brightly "Thank you"

He gave me a warm smile back and we both awkward;y laughed.

I smiled as i grabbed the necklace in my palm, squeezing it as i hit the pavement with a thud.

Beast Boy pov:

I flew as a bird down the street towards where i saw raven ontop of the roof with cyborg charging at her.

I changed back into my normal self and sprinted towards the bank when i saw Raven falling off the bank roof, why wasn't she flying?!

As soon as i had made it to the bank i heard a loud thud to the ground. My eyes wouldn't look away, blood was soaking her dark hair and her eyes were closed with stray tears still lingering.

In the light of the street lamp something glimmered in her palm.

I saw her palm gently wrapped around the necklace i gave her last year.

My mouth was open but nothing came out. Tears spilled down my cheeks and finally all i could muster was "Raven..?"

I fell beside her and began shaking her. "Raven"  i said gently.The necklace slowly slipped out of her bloody palm.

"Raven! Wake up!" I looked over her face, cupping her cold cheeks as tears slid off of my chin and onto her face.

"Raven!" I sobbed out. "Don't leave me" I felt arms go around my fragile body. "NO! Let me go!"

"Beast boy" Starfire wrapped him in her arms and I stared numbly at Raven.

I reached my hand out to her "Don't leave me.."


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