Part 2

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Walking into the small home, the familiar scent of old papers and tea made its way over to Elizabeth. It somewhat reminded her of a bookshop or even a café. Placing her keys into the small dish near her front door, Elizabeth made her way down the main hall. She would go past the living room, the dining room, and the kitchen. Past these three rooms, there would also be a spare room, the bathroom, and Elizabeth's room. Inside the spare room, there would be multiple stacks of papers, making it look like a massive filing cabinet.

Passing that room with high pride and a smirk, Elizabeth entered her room. It was slightly bigger than the other room, and that's how she liked it. It gave Elizabeth more space to her work. And speaking of work, Elizabeth had to plan out who to add to the team going in the next day. She was somewhat forced to add Garrett, seeing how he forced his way into the team. Opening her files she grabbed, Elizabeth began to look for the highest ranking members in each division.

First was the Medics. Sayeko Pheles. Since the time he joined the L.O.G.I., he had saved everybody that had gotten into severe accidents while working in the mountains. Working up the list, Scientists were next. Kyoski Pheles, older brother to Sayeko. Like his younger brother, he too had gained all positive markings on his exams and other necessary requirements. There would be one more person to add to the team, including Elizabeth, that would make it five. This last person was a bit special, working in the mountains before ever considering the L.O.G.I., Jaidyn Cifer was the most skilled and wisest of the Excavators. It took Jaidyn to join the organization, but she eventually joined.

Everyone had their own stories to why they joined the L.O.G.I., and that was alright. That's what drove everyone to do their best to get better results. Yawning for the hundredth time, Elizabeth called every person and left voicemails saying that there was going to be a meeting with everyone involved and that they should report to her office at 9 a.m. sharp.

After doing literally everything on her task list, Elizabeth finally managed to take her shower. It took a while, but she managed. The night passed smoothly and soundless, at least, that's what Elizabeth believed. The next morning, she woke up bright and early to make some tea for the road. Picking a breakfast blend of some sort, she waited a little over seven minutes for the water to heat up.

While waiting, she began to make a list of things she may need to bring down. Only choosing the things she knew they most definitely would need, the list became quite lengthy all on its own because of that. After the water was ready, Elizabeth somewhat raced for the door. Seeing how the time was only 7:30 a.m., she wanted to get there extra early for one reason only. File reports. She forgot to do them the day before, and in order to have the scheduled meeting and check out the new site, Elizabeth needed to make room in her already busy schedule for them.

Once out of her home, she double locked the door, not trusting anybody in her neighborhood. The sun slowly began to rise up, the morning starting to turn a little humid. Maintaining a power-walk speed, Elizabeth managed to reach the L.O.G.I. by 7:45. Avoiding as many people as possible, Elizabeth got to her office by 8, making her motivation to finish things even higher.

Sitting down in her big leather chair, she began to work on the report from the day before. While working on these reports, a small note would have found its way in the stack. What caught Elizabeth's eye was the name 'Jaydin Cifer'. She gulped, reading the rest of the note. We would like to inform you that Jaydin Cifer (Excavator, Class A) was reported kidnapped by giant wolves that came from the site (44.5 N, 68 E). Elizabeth crushed the paper, very pissed that she just now found out about this.

Tossing the piece of paper at a far away garbage can (and missing), Elizabeth let her anger out all at once. "WHY THE HELL WAS I JUST INFORMED ABOUT THIS?!?!" Surprisingly, her outburst would calm her down. Time would tick away, and Elizabeth would finish all the reports she needed done the day before. Finally kicking back, Elizabeth's intercom inside her office would sound off. "Miss Shadowgear, the room is ready. The topographer will be waiting for you there."

A small smile would replace the grim look on her face, the vice president getting up and leaving her office. Taking a few flights downstairs, Elizabeth would be greeted with four faces waiting for her at the conference room. Two smaller looking kids, as well as one older one. She recognized Maia, giving a small smile to her. The other two must have been the boys she called the night before.

Everyone filtered into the room, Maia laying down maps of the area and more maps of the inside. There was a red dot placed in the interior map of the new site, a key showing that to be the spot where Jaidyn was taken. "We have about 10 more minutes before the meeting starts, so why don't we all get to know one another a bit more by telling our names. You all know who I am, so someone else go." Maia would speak up, managing to look away from her maps. "I'm Maia, Maia Cape. I am the topographer, or mapper of the different sites."

The remaining two would be silent, the oldest of the two managing to speak. "I am Kyoski, and this is Sayeko." The youngest would nod at his name, pulling out a book and beginning to read to pass the time. Elizabeth checked the wall clock, seeing that 9 a.m. was quickly approaching. She then released a deep sigh, "Before we start, I did have two other members joining our team. I'm sure you all know about the kidnapping of Jaidyn Cifer, correct? Well, I was just informed of this action earlier this morning, so when I was adding people onto the team last night, I added her too." Everyone was somewhat shocked, looking up at Elizabeth.

She had an annoyed expression on her face, not wanting to go into detail for the next person. "Lastly, there will be another joining. His name is Garrett, he somewhat forced his way into this journey, so I have no choice. I honestly have never met him before, so I don't really know if he is valuable to this trip or not." Several minutes would pass, silence filling the room. A few loud footsteps and the conference room door would burst open to reveal Garrett.

"So he finally arrives..." Elizabeth would mumble this, Maia overhearing and slightly giggling. Garrett had a sly look on his face, strutting over to a spot near Elizabeth and sitting down. "Since everyone is here, we shall begin." Glancing at the wall clock once more, Elizabeth saw the time was 9:15 a.m., a little later than the designated starting time.

"Alright, Maia, maps please." Maia would show a big map, flattening it a bit on the table. "Yes, ma'am. Earlier this week, a skilled excavator found this new passageway leading to several feet of tunnels. Lining the entrance walls, the excavator had discovered rare gems flecked with other gems of different type. Unfortunately, that is what anyone else knows for now."

Maia would have stopped talking for now, letting Elizabeth have a go at talking. She would stand up, clearing her throat a bit. "Thank you, Maia. Now, using what we have, we will all go down there and do what we were trained to do!" With a confident smile, Elizabeth slapped her hand on the table. The youngest of the Pheles brothers' would speak up, "But, what about Ms. Cifer? Since we're going to be down there, why don't we rescue her as well?"

Elizabeth would take it into consideration, "I guess I could make it our top priority to get her back." Sayeko seemed to have a relieved look, his brother gaining a small smile. Elizabeth would then leave her seat, heading towards the conference door. "You all saw the map, right? Meet there tomorrow morning bright and early! We have a team member, as well as a job to do. I suggest to you all that you pack warm clothing and bring whatever you may think will be necessary for our trip."

As Elizabeth finished her words, she glared over at Garrett and immediately left. Everyone remaining in the conference room looked over at Garrett with a slight glare, connecting to Elizabeth's annoyance already. Once settled back in her office, Elizabeth began the reports for the day, reading over things and working as hard and dedicated as ever.

Night would fall, and everybody who still didn't have work left. Normally on the floor where Elizabeth was, it was just her, so every slight noise bothered her. But when she did eventually get done around 11 at night, everything felt the same. The streets were empty and the moonlight shining down unfortunately only lit her path home.

Saying goodnight and goodbye to the pretty stars and moon, Elizabeth headed inside her home where she would soak in everything before she went down the next morning. Who knows what may happen while all four of them were down there. Would things end up like they did the last time Elizabeth went down with a full team? These questions rolled around in her head as she double checked everything in her pack for the next morning, somewhat driving her to finish before she got too tired.

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