Part 14

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As soon as Garrett had left the house, Sayeko and Kyoski would help move Elizabeth into a better position onto her bed, tucking her in as well. They would stand there for a while in silence, until Sayeko spoke up. "So, it's Garrett's fault she snapped. Almost like severe anger issues." Kyoski would nod, "I agree. Let's just hope he doesn't come back for a long time. I'm not too fond of Garrett." Sayeko would shake his head, "Me neither."

The two would then decide who stays when Elizabeth awoke. It would be Kyoski who stayed, Sayeko going off to their room and getting some rest. Kyoski would sit on the edge of Elizabeth's bed, waiting for any signs of her awakening. She would then begin to get a little fussy, tossing and turning. Elizabeth would be having a nightmare about the same event over and over again. She would soon begin to cry in her sleep, Kyoski getting a little worried.

He wouldn't know what to do, quickly trying to think of something that would calm her down. He would then get an idea and would quickly do it. First he would grab her hand, squeezing it tightly. Then he would begin to rub her back a bit, hoping his method would work. Eventually though, it would and Elizabeth would fall back asleep.

Kyoski would sit there, concerned for Elizabeth and her nightmares. This would be the first time he actually comforted someone with a nightmare, especially someone like Elizabeth's case. He continued to hold her hand until she awoke, Kyoski not really getting tired during the whole wait process.

Soon morning would come around, Kyoski still held onto Elizabeth's hand. When Elizabeth would finally awake, she would instantly feel Kyoski's hand wrapped around hers. She would instantly turn beet red, a little embarrassed. And yet, Elizabeth liked the touch of Kyoski's hand. Just like the first time they met, both Kyoski and Elizabeth would be blushing from ear to ear. Before either one of them could say anything, Sayeko would come in with a bowl of fruit.

He would have a small smile on his face, seeing Elizabeth awake. He would speak in a soft voice, "Good morning you two. Got enough sleep I hope." Kyoski would hold back a yawn, letting go of Elizabeth's hand. She would sit up, grabbing the bowl from Sayeko. Elizabeth would begin to eat, but would stop a few moments later with a question spinning around her head.

"So, tell me, what exactly happened last night? I remember Garrett being a huge ass." Sayeko would nod, "That's exactly what happened. While Garrett held Kyoski and you at gunpoint, he somehow made you so mad that you... snapped." Elizabeth would look over at Kyoski, "Wait, somewhat like what happened in the tunnels?" Kyoski then nodded to respond Elizabeth's question.

Everything became clear for Elizabeth, for she remembered how mad Kyoski got before passing out. She would get a little embarrassed, looking away from the brothers. "I'm, uh, terribly sorry for what happened last night..." Both Sayeko and Kyoski placed a hand on Elizabeth's own. "Don't be. It was all Garrett's fault, so don't blame yourself." Elizabeth would nod, looking back up at the brothers. She would squeeze both of their hands before pushing herself off the bed.

"Now I'm really sorry to ruin this touching moment, but I really got to head to work. I just got to do a few things, it won't take me that long. I'll be back home before you know it." She would give the boys a small smile before grabbing her keys and walking out of the house. Once Elizabeth was out of the house, Sayeko would take his brother by the hand and lead him into their room, Sayeko insisting Kyoski get some rest.

While Sayeko and Kyoski hung out at Elizabeth's home, she would be walking past the more upper class houses. They would be much more nicer and bigger than her own, but Elizabeth didn't really care. Then as she would pass by another house, a loud crash would come from it. Looking over at the house, she would see through the window Jaydin and Micheal using their magic abilities they harness to attack one another.

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