Part 21

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Dawn would awaken the two again, just like the many days before. Kyoski Pheles and Elizabeth Shadowgear lay sleeping on the canopy of the many tall trees surrounding the Pheles estate. It wasn't all smooth sailing either, for a familiar face had shown up and caused much distress and annoyance for the two. Even death couldn't take away the longing desire for Elizabeth, making Garrett even more determined to try and get to her.

Instead of Elizabeth waking first, it would be Kyoski. He would be planning a safe way down from the canopy as he held onto Elizabeth tenderly. He loved her so much, and just by a single touch, she seemed to send his heart into a frenzy. Several minutes after Kyoski had awoken, Elizabeth had risen as well. She seemed to look more innocent than ever, a few stray leaves stuck in her hair. With a chuckle, Kyoski easily pulled them out of her soft blonde hair.

"Good morning, Elizabeth. I take it you slept well up here?" She nodded in confirmation, giving Kyoski a bright smile. "Of course. I enjoyed the cool night air as I rested." It seemed to dawn on to Elizabeth that she hadn't had a single traumatic nightmare since she had been resting with Kyoski, her new lover seeming to be her night in shining armor. "That's wonderful to hear! Now, care to take another journey through the branches once more?"

With one final long look around her surroundings, Elizabeth took Kyoski's outstretched hand, using it as a support as she climbed down to the next branch. And so it went on for a few more branches that Kyoski would go down first, catching Elizabeth as she climbed down from the branches above. But the passage down wasn't as easy as the way up. For a small miscalculation, and the slip of someone's grip, and Elizabeth would end up on the branch below Kyoski.

She would have began hanging down from the branch above, waiting for Kyoski to catch her. Her fingers would slip, causing Kyoski to be off guard and let her slip through his arms and down onto the branch below. Elizabeth would be terrified from that point on, scared she was going to slip even farther down if she wasn't careful.

Concerned and very worried, Kyoski climbed down to where Elizabeth was, already by her side before she knew it to comfort her. He looked deep into her terrified eyes, gripping Elizabeth by the shoulders so she wouldn't slip again. "Elizabeth! Are you hurt anywhere? Are you going to be alright?" These two questions would lead Elizabeth to check herself, for she still hadn't recovered from the sudden fall.

She searched her upper body first, mainly checking her arms and hands. Nothing seemed to be there except for the constant trembling from the fear of falling. As she checked the back of her calf, she would notice a long scratch trailing from the middle of her calf to down to her ankle. A small piece of a broken prance would have snagged and cut her leg as she fell, causing the scratch to form.

Kyoski would focus on it was well, now even more concerned and worried than before. A plan instantly forming, he would reach his hand into his pocket, pulling out a small disk-looking stone. It would seem to be a silver-metallic color, giving the hint that it was no ordinary stone. Kyoski would throw the stone to the side of him, still keeping a firm hold on Elizabeth as he pulled her closer for protection.

But to Elizabeth's surprise, the stone wouldn't fall all the way to the ground, but would fall a little, and then float back up to the branch where Elizabeth and Kyoski stood. It would be branch level, more metallic-looking stones soon forming in a step-like pattern until the very last one reached near the ground. Elizabeth looked up at Kyoski with a confused look, , causing the boy to look back at her with a determined one.

"Seeing how you don't want to climb any more, and are obviously scared of heights, I am going to carry you down using these steps." At the word 'carry', Elizabeth would seem to gain an even more terrified look, clinging onto Kyoski as if it were her life on the line. "N-No way! I-I'm too scared..." As Elizabeth came to a stop with her words, Kyoski would seem to draw her in with his stare of concern. "I need you to trust me, Elizabeth. I wish to help you get better, and this is the safest way down without causing anything else to happen to you or your wound."

It soon dawned on to Elizabeth that she had two options. Either stay on the branch or go down with Kyoski. She knew deep down that she wouldn't fall to her death, but more like a horrible state close to it. Eventually, Elizabeth made the decision to trust Kyoski to safely take her down to the ground. Lifting her up bridal style, Kyoski would step onto the silver disk ahead, slowly progressing down the disks like stairs. And as he walked down each step, Elizabeth held on tighter and tighter until they had reached the ground.

Once on the ground, Kyoski carefully lowered Elizabeth onto the grass, where he would help support her back to the manor. But on the way to the manor, Elizabeth's wound would seem to get to the point where should could ignore the itchy feeling no longer. Every few minutes or so, it would be Elizabeth stopping Kyoski to scratch around her wound, causing two bright red lines to start to form around the wound like a raw outline.

Because of this action, Kyoski would begin to get very worried for Elizabeth and would quickly rush her to the paramedic wing in the manor. It would seem to look like the intensive care room back at the L.O.G.I., only, it was a lot quieter and more high-tech. Kyoski helped Elizabeth onto the closest bed, getting ready to examine her scratch. Upon close examination, there would seem to be some infection forming. The blood in Elizabeth's body reacting to the bacteria and sap on the broken branch had seemed to cause a reaction.

Elizabeth truly didn't understand, but whatever was happening, she was concerned about how quickly Kyoski was working. And as he worked, he seemed to be pulling out more small corked bottles with several weird and exotic name tags on each bottle. The bedside table next to Elizabeth's bed would soon enough be covered in many of these bottles, several syringes and needles to follow.

"Now, I'm going to put you under, for I really do not wish for you to watch this procedure." As he spoke this, he was already drawing a clear liquid into a small syringe. Before Elizabeth could protest, she was unconscious in no time, making Kyoski's job a lot easier. Medication after medication was soon ejected into many veins of Elizabeth Shadowgear, both causing her wounds to heal and her body to prevent any more reactions to anything else around the manor.

Several hours had passed, and still Elizabeth had not awoken. She was out cold, making Kyoski even more impatient to see her awake and well. He honestly knew somewhat of what he was doing at the time, and realized he had given her way too much anesthetic. Sitting in a nearby metal chair made the waiting even more gruesome. And as time ticked on, Kyoski eventually ended up falling asleep. He would go from the chair to the floor within a matter of an hour or so.

By the time Elizabeth woke, she wouldn't see Kyoski anywhere. It would be his soft snoring that gave the hint that he was on the floor and not on the chair positioned next to the bed. From Elizabeth's view, he looked adorable where he lay. Kyoski would have one arm under his head as he laid on his left side, and what topped it all off was that he was in a curled position, making him look less of an adult and more like a child.

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