Part 12

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Garrett would remain in Elizabeth's room for quite some time, watching her peaceful body rest. He thought it was quite nice, seeing a different side to Elizabeth. Soon as he had begun thinking these odd thoughts, Elizabeth would begin to awake. At first everything would be dark, but as Elizabeth's eyes adjusted she would gain an annoyed expression. "Why are you in my room?!" Garrett took the harsh words as a good thing and soon left to tell Sayeko Elizabeth was up.

Elizabeth sat up, holding her stomach as it growled a bit. Elizabeth didn't understand why she was so hungry, seeing how she recently drank something. Sayeko came in a little while later with a medium bowl of rice. He watched Elizabeth eat, seeing if anything was off with her. But as Elizabeth ate, nothing out of the ordinary seemed to occur. And by what Sayeko has seen through his life, he really didn't know what to expect.

Elizabeth finished the rice, looking over at the curious Sayeko with confusion. "What was in that syringe?" Sayeko took the bowl out of Elizabeth's hands, "That is of little importance." He then left the room as quickly as he had arrived, leaving Elizabeth alone in her room. She wouldn't be alone for much time, for Garrett would step into Elizabeth's room once more.

She would yet again gain an annoyed expression, getting out of bed. Garrett would move closer to Elizabeth, helping her a bit. She would shoot constant glares over at Garrett, wanting him to release her. But before Elizabeth or Garrett could say anything to one another, Sayeko would come back to Elizabeth's room with a slightly concerned expression. "Miss Shadowgear, Kyoski would like to have a word with you." As Elizabeth began to walk towards the door, Garrett would follow. Elizabeth then glared back at Garrett once more, "He probably wants this to be a private chat, so be a good little boy and don't follow me."

Garrett instantly released Elizabeth, watching her leave the room. Once Elizabeth arrived at the brother's room, she would notice that the door would be partially open. Knocking softly on the door, she would let herself in. Inside the once familiar room, she instantly noticed how much the room had changed since Sayeko and Kyoski had started living there just hours before. Kyoski would motion towards the door, "If you wouldn't mind." Elizabeth got the message, closing the door behind her as she went further into the room.

Just to her left would be a dresser, and next to the dresser would be a bunk bed. In front of the bunk bed would be Kyoski, who sat on the floor. In the far right corner would be a large body mirror with what seemed to be someone's family crest. From the looks of it, Elizabeth would think it was Sayeko and Kyoski's family, but she didn't know that for sure.

Kyoski then motioned for the empty spot in front of him for Elizabeth to sit down. After taking another quick look around the room, she sat down in front of Kyoski. Kyoski then took a deep breath, "What you are about to hear in this room will never leave this room, understand? Otherwise things may go very wrong for not just you, but quite possibly Sayeko and I." Elizabeth began to get a little worried about what he was going to tell her, but she agreed with a silent nod of her head.

He then looked Elizabeth in the eye. "I am aware of what currently happened to you and the mirror. I am guessing you're wondering what all that was?" Elizabeth was shocked, for he knew what was bugging her since she experienced the event in the bathroom. "Yes, you are correct." Kyoski let out a soft chuckle, "You see, when you touched the black blood, it quickly went into your body and did its best to reach your mind, heart, and soul. What it was trying to do was infect you with a disease or poison that could possibly ruin everything for your upcoming future."

Kyoski then glanced back at the mirror, hoping Elizabeth wouldn't notice. "Fortunately enough, Sayeko got to you just in time before it infected parts of your heart or mind. Unfortunately, the black blood tainted your soul which instantly made you become like Sayeko and I." Kyoski then dropped his volume a bit, making sure only Elizabeth could hear. "You are now immortal."

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