Part 17

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As the night would go on, Sayeko would have left the house with the bio-weapon on his back. He would dash off to the woods close by Elizabeth's house, burying the weapon several feet into the Earth. By the time Sayeko came back from the burial of the weapon, Kyoski had cleaned Elizabeth up and would have put her to bed. Sayeko would give his brother a small smile, silently telling him that the job was done.

The two brothers would head to bed themselves, getting some well deserved rest. By the time morning would roll around, Elizabeth wake with an empty stomach and a massive headache. She lay in her bed for quite some time, trying to piece things together. The moment when Garrett arrived to seeing Kyoski wrapping his arms around her. Things didn't seem to add up right, but Elizabeth felt it was fine that things were like that.

Eventually, Elizabeth got up and out of bed. However, she wouldn't leave her room quite yet. Something warm was swirling around in Elizabeth's chest, her once cold heart slowly coming back to its natural state. The words would simply fall out, making Elizabeth feel a little giddy. "I think I'm falling in love with Kyoski."

It felt odd saying it out loud, but it felt good. Elizabeth would take a deep breath, putting on a smile. A knock would come to her door, snapping Elizabeth back into reality. On the other side would be both Sayeko and Kyoski, but they were wearing grim expressions. Elizabeth soon lost her smile as well, looking at the brothers with a concerned look. "What happened? Are you two going to be alright?"

Sayeko would take a deep breath, pulling out a slip of paper. It would be addressed to Elizabeth and her whole team that went into the mountains. Inside the slip would be a police report of a male who seemed to be in his mid-to-late teens. The items found at the scene would be a cast and a bunch of dismembered body parts. Elizabeth would feel kinda heartbroken, seeing how it was Garrett whom the police had found at the bottom of a cliff.

Kyoski would place a hand on Elizabeth's shoulder, getting ready to give her full support. Elizabeth would push past Sayeko and Kyoski, going towards her home phone. She would then begin to dial up Maia, Jaydin, and Micheal to tell them that there is a funeral for Garrett being held in a short while and that it was going to be a closed casket. Maia was shocked a bit, while Micheal and Jaydin remained calm about the whole situation.

Soon the afternoon rolled around, and everyone who was on Elizabeth's team showed up to the private land where people who worked at the L.O.G.I. were buried. When Elizabeth, Sayeko, and Kyoski arrived, everyone else was already there and when they saw the brothers, they were in awe at how old they got. Jaydin barely recognized them, and Maia was in awe as she looked at the two of them.

Soon, the service would start. A local priest would be standing near the grave, some other members who knew Garrett standing around as well. After the priest was done, everyone would stand around the grave with a shoebox inside that contained Garrett. Maia would then speak up, "I never really liked the kid. His cocky and arrogant attitude made it very hard not to kill him right where he stood. But he was headstrong and had a somewhat decent heart hidden behind his strong need for companionship that made him an awful person. I won't say I'm too sad he's gone, but death still is a tragic thing."

Everyone would be surprised at Maia's words, all looking at her in awe. Then someone outside of the expedition team would speak next, throwing a flower into the grave. "Garrett was a good man, ya know? Sure, he had his ups and downs, but he was pure at heart. Drinkin' with him, I learned a lot about that boy, and it's a shame I lost a really good drinkin' buddy." Everyone would nod their condolences, Sayeko deciding to say what he thought about Garrett as well. "He was a bit annoying, blunt and stubborn too. But I barely knew him that well, so that's all I got out of him."

Some people would agree with Sayeko's statement, others wouldn't. Then another person who know Garrett would place a case of beer next to the casket, not really saying anything. Kyoski would then begin to say something, but would hesitate for a bit. "While knowing Garrett, I recognized what he was capable of soon after I understood the relationship between myself and Elizabeth. I did keep a close eye on him, but I really wouldn't interfere if it wasn't necessary."

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