Part 15

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Soon after Elizabeth had calmed down enough, the brothers went off and helped make her some tea. Elizabeth soon decided to go over to the table, no longer wanting to be on the floor. Sitting down, she was greeted with Sayeko's warm smile as he gave her the mug. Elizabeth didn't say anything, but a silent thanks. Both brothers would sit down at the table with Elizabeth, not really knowing what to do.

It would be silent for a long while, until someone would begin pounding frantically on Elizabeth's front door. Sayeko would get up and answer it, opening the door to reveal a really worried Garrett. Before Sayeko could close the door on Garrett, the man would burst in through the door. He wore a cast on his leg, probably to patch up his gunshot wound from Maia. He limped over to Elizabeth with a piece of paper in his hands.

Elizabeth would begin to speak, but Garrett would stop her. "This is not what it looks like! Elizabeth, you need to run and hide somewhere safe!" Elizabeth rolled her eyes and took another sip of tea, "And why's that?" Garrett would smack the piece of paper onto the table so everyone was able to see. The first word that caught Elizabeth's eyes was 'Wanted'. She took the paper into her own hands, scanning the paper.

She would soon release the paper, sitting there in complete shock. There would be a bounty on Elizabeth's head for $12,000. At first, Elizabeth was silent, but then her senses got the best of her. "No way. This isn't true. You're just showing me this to get me to run away with you." Garrett would roll his eyes and groan. "We don't have time for this! I'm being serious about this, Elizabeth! After my little incident with your friend at the L.O.G.I., I obviously needed some tips on how to get you back. Well, while I was at the bar, I overheard some old buddies of mine saying they were going to strike tonight!"

Elizabeth still couldn't believe what Garrett was telling her. She would get up out of her chair, heading towards the hallway. As she walked, gunshots would ring out and her door would get shot down. Besides the door, she would also see her front living room window get busted out. She, along with everyone else, got onto the floor as the shots continued. Now Elizabeth was really scared, for there were many things she wanted to do and one of them was try love.

Sayeko and Kyoski would quickly help Elizabeth onto her feet, dragging her to their room. Garrett wouldn't notice at first, but when he did, he would begin to call out for Elizabeth. "Elizabeth..!! Please don't leave me here to die...!! After everything I've done for you..!!" He would be a sobbing mess now, scrunching up as more bullets zoomed past him. Elizabeth would glance over at the worried brothers, then over at Garrett. And once again her good-natured side would come out, for Elizabeth would run over to Garrett and help him to his feet.

With a final boost of energy, Elizabeth managed to dash back over to the brother's with Garrett over her shoulders. Sayeko opened the door, letting the two older people in first. Sayeko and Kyoski would file in seconds later, shutting the door and locking it. Elizabeth would place Garrett down onto the floor, the man groaning a bit. Kyoski would then take Elizabeth by the hand, a serious look on his face. "Elizabeth, do you think you can make a promise with me?" Elizabeth would nod, looking at Kyoski. Kyoski would then clear his throat, his face getting a little flushed.

"Elizabeth, if Sayeko and I became older, do you think you can promise that you would date one of us?" Elizabeth was confused, for she didn't know what he meant by being older. He then glanced over at Sayeko then at the door. "It's a little hard to explain, but just trust me on this." Elizabeth did trust Kyoski as well as Sayeko. She would then nod, "Alright, I trust you. I promise." Kyoski then gave Sayeko a sly smirk, shaking Elizabeth's hands.

"We will be gone for a while because of this.... transformation. Don't leave this room unless you know for sure we are back." Elizabeth nodded once more, agreeing to not leaving the room. Kyoski then released Elizabeth's hands, walking towards the door with Sayeko. As they walked, Kyoski would pull out his pocket watch. Elizabeth watched the two a worried expression on her face. Sayeko would notice, giving Elizabeth a small smile of reassurance. "Don't worry, Elizabeth, we'll be back before you know it."

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