Part 19

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Awaiting both Elizabeth and Kyoski on the other side of the body mirror would be somewhat total darkness. The first thing that would catch Elizabeth's eye would be the massive windows lining the nearby wall to her right. Upon looking out the massive windows, Elizabeth's focus would be entranced by the twilight scene before her. Miles upon miles of wooded area surrounded the manor where the two stood in. While Elizabeth stared in awe at the sight before her, Kyoski would have gained an affectionate look towards Elizabeth.

Eventually, Kyoski had to bring Elizabeth back towards the real reason of the two being there. The date between two immortals. But still, as Kyoski lead Elizabeth out of the room with the massive windows, the two were met by more extraordinary decorations and objects. From the artifacts hanging on the walls, to the collectible items placed on different tables running along the walls in the halls, the manor seemed more like a museum than a home.

While Elizabeth and Kyoski began their date, Sayeko would begin his plans as well. After he had left the house, he had passed by a flower. It would so happen to be the exact flower Elizabeth passed by a few days earlier. As Sayeko would pass it, he would smile down at it. "What a nice time to be alive, don't you think so, flower? I believe tonight is going to be a wonderful night!" He would seem to be more giddy than usual, a childish and brave look on his face as he made his way to the home of Michael and Jaidyn.

As Sayeko spoke with plants, Kyoski had led Elizabeth down a massive staircase towards a large wooden door. On the other side, there would be a massive dining table with fancy silverware and multiple floral arrangements that seemed to make the room smell like a flower garden. All while Kyoski took Elizabeth down to the far end of the table, he never took his eyes off of her. Elizabeth seemed to have this glint in her eye that made Kyoski just smile right along with her.

While a date was starting to take action on one side of the mirror, the other would reveal Sayeko to have reached his destination. His face had flushed up ever so slightly as he knocked on the front door, and while standing there waiting for someone to open the door, his nervousness only seemed to get worse each second.

Back on the flip side of things, Kyoski had formally seated Elizabeth down at the table as he would take a seat right across from her. An older looking man would come out of a doorway seeming to be hidden within the nearby wall, for he would gingerly approach Kyoski. "Good evening master and guest, what shall you have for drinks tonight?" Kyoski would glance over at Elizabeth, a small smile on his face. "Nagatsuki, this is Elizabeth Shadowgear, my date for this evening." Nagatsuki would bow to Elizabeth, "Pleasure to meet you, miss."

As Sayeko seemed to get more and more nervous, eventually the front door would open up to reveal Jaidyn standing there with a slightly shocked expression to see Sayeko there. "You're, uh, Sayeko, right? What brings you here?" Staring at Jaidyn, Sayeko's face seemed to flush up even worse, making him look like a cherry tomato. "I, er, came here to, uh.... ask you out on a date." Despite the last part being spoken ever so softly, Jaidyn was still able to hear what he said and she too would flush up in embarrassment. Quickly enough, the two of them would look like a pair of cherry tomatoes.

Elizabeth would nod in regard to the same, Kyoski giving Nagatsuki a small nod as well. "I'll have my usual. And what about you, Elizabeth?" Being put on the spot like that, all she would ever come to think of is one simple beverage. "Water, please." With a final bow, Nagatsuki eventually would leave for what seemed to be the doorway to the kitchen. Once the two of them were alone, Kyoski would give a kind-hearted smile to Elizabeth. "Tell me, what is it you so desire for our dinner? It can be anything you crave!" With a slight embarrassed flush coming to her face, Elizabeth would take a while to think about her options, but eventually would decide on one thing. "If you don't mind. I'd like to have fish."

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