Part 8

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When all six members were well rested, they all slowly made their way back to the entrance. Both Elizabeth and Jaydin were in critical condition, both needing to be carried back up. Elizabeth really didn't like being carried by Garrett, but she didn't seem to have a choice. Jaydin remained silent as her brother carried her back up. Sayeko and Kyoski took the lead and the back, making sure that there weren't any more surprise traps released on them once again.

After a while, they would easily make it back up to the entrance. Elizabeth and Jaydin were both rushed to the medical tents nearby, Garrett seeming to want to help Elizabeth. She lay on her stomach as doctors injected needle after needle to heal up her spine, as well as any other injuries she gained. While waiting, a nurse would ask if Elizabeth needed anything. Propping herself on her elbows, Elizabeth let out a big yawn. "Coffee would be great. Make it double, not for him, but for my sake."

Garrett got closer to Elizabeth, "Take it easy there, honey. Who knows what happened to you while we were down there." Elizabeth glared at Garrett, "I told you NOT to call me any names like that." Garrett rolled his eyes, "You look cute when you're flustered, you know that?" Elizabeth fully sat up, ignoring the pain in her back and chest. She would slap Garrett hard across the face, plopping herself back down onto the hospital bed.

A few seconds later, Garrett's cheek would flare a bright pink. Passing nurses and doctors thought it was an infection, but Garrett simply stated "I upset the tiger and received her claws." After about 30 minutes of laying there with her back exposed, the doctor finally released Elizabeth. She quickly left the medical tents, passing by the camp area for the workers. Garrett followed after her, a plan forming in his head. A very perverted plan.

Elizabeth knew that Garrett was following her, but she really didn't care. All she had on her mind was the relief she had towards saving Jaydin. Reaching her office, Elizabeth began to work on Jaydin's missing report file, saying how she was found. Garrett found this time to make his move, entering Elizabeth's office. "My lady, if it isn't too much trouble, do you think I could take you out to dinner sometime in the future? Possibly the very close future?"

As if he was asking royalty, he even bowed in respect. Elizabeth glared at Garrett over the top of her glasses, "There is no way in hell I will ever go on a date with you." Seeing Elizabeth's death glare, he got a little scared. He didn't want to upset her, so he slowly backed out of her office and didn't bother Elizabeth the rest of the day.

The news of Jaydin's recovery and rescuing had made it to the local news, the L.O.G.I. gaining positivity points and even some new recruits. It was late enough as it is, but working on the reports made Elizabeth's stay in her office even longer. While Elizabeth worked, Sayeko would swing by and drop off the reports of the medical teams work they recently did on Jaydin. Seeing the lights still on, Sayeko would get a little suspicious.

Opening the door, he would find Elizabeth still working her hardest at her desk. He rushed in, a little worried for her mental health. "Miss Shadowgear! Why are you still here?! You should be at home, sleeping." Elizabeth would yawn, continuing to work. "I'm fine, Sayeko. And anyways, what are you doing here? You're the one who should be sleeping, not me. You need it more anyway." Sayeko would place his report down, shaking his head. "No need to worry about me."

Elizabeth would smile, "Whatever you say. I'm almost done here. If you want to, I can walk to your home." Sayeko would look at the clock, looking out of the window. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to have you bring me home. Sure, I'll take up your offer." What Sayeko hadn't intended was two things. First, that Elizabeth's definition of almost done was way different than Sayeko's. Secondly, Sayeko was beginning to get sleepy, and oddly enough he quickly passed out on a nearby chair.

After Sayeko completely passed out, Elizabeth finished the applications for the new recruits joining soon. While Elizabeth was getting ready to leave, she would hear soft snoring. Looking over at Sayeko, she saw the little guy passed out on a chair. She would lightly chuckle at the sight, getting finished with her things quickly. Like a mother carrying her child, Elizabeth picked up Sayeko and held him close to her chest as she left the L.O.G.I. building.

The pathway to the camp near the mountains wouldn't be light very well, so Elizabeth couldn't get down to the area any time soon. So with a reposition of Sayeko on her chest, Elizabeth decided to take Sayeko to her home for the night. Seeing how it was later at night then what Elizabeth usually went home, the streets seemed to be more empty than ever before.

When Elizabeth arrived home, something she hadn't realized finally hit her. Where was she going to place Sayeko? Then it hit her, she could place him on her bed. But where would she go? Elizabeth looked over at her couch. Was sleeping on the couch really worth it? Elizabeth sighed, placing down her things and heading to her room. Turning on the light, Elizabeth ignored the piles of paper laying around the room.

She would lay Sayeko down on her bed, tucking him in. She would steal a spare pillow from her bed, heading back to the living room. While leaving, Elizabeth turned off the light and closed the door until there was only a sliver of light peeking into the room. Exhaustion soon took over, and Elizabeth passed out quickly once reaching the couch.

The next morning, Elizabeth didn't have to go in until later in the afternoon. While on her way to take a shower, she checked up on Sayeko. He was still passed out on her bed, looking as innocent as ever. Elizabeth gained a small smile, going on to doing her normal morning routine. After her shower, Elizabeth began to make breakfast. She began to wash some fruit, humming slightly. Sayeko would begin to slightly wake, opening his eyes to see a strange room around him.

After thinking back for a bit, he would soon realize he was in the bedroom of Elizabeth. He felt ashamed and a little awkward that he fell asleep in her office and then woke up in her room. He slowly got off of her bed, creeping down the hallway that connected all rooms in the house. He hung out in the shadows for a while, listening to Elizabeth work and hum. In some odd way, he found the sounds very relaxing and soothing.

And while Sayeko listened to Elizabeth, she began preparing both their breakfasts. She had two bowls out, both of them filled with a small assortment of fruits. Sayeko's stomach silently grumbled, the sight of the fruit getting to him. He would show himself finally, standing in the doorway to the kitchen. When Elizabeth turned around to get to the fridge, she would see Sayeko and smile.

"Good morning, Sayeko. Did you sleep well?" In this kind of situation, he normally wouldn't respond to a question like that. But oddly enough, he would nod back at Elizabeth in response. He would head down the hall and enter the dining room that was located right next to the kitchen. He sat himself down at a spot, watching Elizabeth work in the kitchen some more. She would open the fridge, pulling out a carton of juice. "Want some?" He smiled slightly, "Yes, please."

Elizabeth poured two cups of juice, carrying out all four into the dining room. She placed Sayeko's things down first, sitting down as she placed her own things down. He would look up at Elizabeth, "Thank you, for both breakfast and letting me stay here." Elizabeth shook it off, "No need. It's the least I could do. And if you want, both you and your brother could stay here permenately. I have the spare room next to mine you two could use."

Sayeko would almost drop his fork, a little shocked at the offer. "That won't be necessary, Miss Shadowgear! Helping me out recently is just enough." Elizabeth would pop a piece of fruit into her mouth, "Are you sure? I won't be leaving town any time soon." Sayeko went silent for a while, considering the offer Elizabeth gave him. "Let me talk to Kyoski about it. We'll let you know soon."

Sayeko would hop off of the chair he was sitting on and began to head out the door. Elizabeth sighed in disbelief, chuckling a bit as she cleaned up. Noon was slowly rolling around, and Elizabeth needed to get to the office.

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