Part 9

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After doing one more check of things around her house, Elizabeth left her house with 20 minutes to spare. She walked past the familiar homes and businesses she regularly walked past everyday. Then a familiar idiot would rush into Elizabeth's view. Garrett seemed to be drunk, his cheeks flushed. Elizabeth didn't want to deal with his problems and sped walked past him. Unfortunately, Garrett was quick and grabbed Elizabeth's hand. "You, little missy, still owe me for when I saved your pretty face.."

Elizabeth smelled the alcohol on him before he came, but now the stench was unbearable. "I don't know what you're talking about.." She ripped her hand out of Garrett's, speed walking even faster to get away from him. Unfortunately, she didn't shake Garrett off her tail and he continued to follow her. Once they reached the L.O.G.I., Elizabeth went down instead of up. Down in the basement of the building would be the medical facility.

A nurse approached Elizabeth with a smile, but it soon disappeared when she saw Elizabeth's grouchy look. "Miss Shadowgear, what's the matter? Headaches again?" Elizabeth glared back at Garrett, "Oh yeah, he's a real big headache alright." Then Elizabeth gave the nurse an apologetic look, "Do you think you can cure him of his drunken state?" The nurse would nod, giving Elizabeth a small smile as she grabbed Garrett and lead him to a nearby bed.

Elizabeth then went back upstairs to her office, getting to work. After a while of really getting into it, a small knock came to her door. On the other side would Sayeko and Kyoski with bright smiles. "Miss Shadowgear, we have come to the conclusion of your proposal and we are willing to stay at your place." Elizabeth gave the boys a big smile, getting up and going over to them. "That's great news! You two can swing by any time. I'll prepare your room tonight after my shift."

The brothers then left to do their job, leaving Elizabeth alone once again. Soon, her break would roll around and Elizabeth would head out to the break room. There, she would see yet again another familiar face. Maia would be entering as well, but from the other side of the hall. Elizabeth gave Maia a small smile, "How have things been holding up on your end?" Maia yawned, "This is my second all-nighter. The coffee here really does help." Elizabeth would pour Maia a cup, "Indeed it does."

After the two of them would stand there drinking their coffee, Elizabeth spoke up. "What time does your shift end?" Maia would take a long drink, "Four." Elizabeth would nod, relating quite a bit. She would then sigh, "Well, I'll be going. I have a few things I need to do before I leave." Maia gave Elizabeth a small smile once again before Elizabeth left for her office.

The day continued on like any other, report after report on the many things that went on that day. While others went home, Elizabeth stayed in her office until 4. By the time she was off for the rest of the evening, boredom had kicked in and Elizabeth had started doing weird things with her desk supplies.

Elizabeth's clock would chime 4 bells, Elizabeth glad that she was able to go home. While on her way to the front door, someone would stop her from behind. It would be Garrett, but he seemed to be acting totally different. "Ah, Elizabeth! How good it is to see you!" Elizabeth grimaced, "Hello, Garrett. What do you want this time?" He smiled at Elizabeth, "I came here to tell you the good news!" Elizabeth began to get a little freaked out. "What good news?" Garrett then got down on one knee. "Elizabeth, I'm a changed man. I love you, but I changed."

Elizabeth backed away a bit, "I don't think changed is the right word..." Garrett approached Elizabeth closer, grabbing onto her leg. "Just listen, Elizabeth. You never listen to me." Elizabeth would try her best to get Garrett off her leg, wanting to head home. As luck would have it, Maia would also be leaving for home at this time. She would see Elizabeth's face, looking down and seeing Garrett.

Maia would pull out her gun, shooting Garrett in the foot. He would instantly let go of Elizabeth, the girl backing away several inches. Elizabeth looked up to find who had saved her and saw it was Maia, silently making Maia her new favorite. Garrett sobbed on the floor, holding his bleeding foot. Maia shot glares down at Garrett to shut him up, walking over to Elizabeth. "Thank you so much, Maia!" Maia had a smug look on her face, "It's no problem. Just helpin' a sister out. Plus he weirds me out, so it was enjoyable all the way."

Elizabeth and Maia laughed, beginning to walk out of the building. Garrett would yell to Elizabeth, "Hey! Y-You're not gonna leave me here bleeding, are you..?" His eyes were filled with tears, making Elizabeth drop her cold act. She sighed, hating herself for what she was about to do next. Elizabeth took out a few tissues she had in her bag, shoving them into the man's foot. She then helped him up, carrying him out the front doors.

Maia watched in awe how quick Elizabeth's mood changed, especially with Garrett. Elizabeth was surprised too, but she really didn't care. Her kind side was showing more loudly than ever, Elizabeth helping Garrett walk all the way to her own house. Once at Elizabeth's home, Elizabeth somewhat flung Garrett onto her couch. He laid there, not really knowing what to do.

Elizabeth went off to the bathroom and grabbed some medical supplies. She threw those at Garrett, making him patch his own wound. Elizabeth then went off to the kitchen where she made dinner for herself and Garrett. Garrett limped to the kitchen, watching Elizabeth cook. Seeing how Elizabeth was a little busy with preparing food, she didn't realize Garrett was watching her until close to when the food was ready.

She had prepared some rice, as well as some vegetables to go on the side. She dished both of theirs up, placing both bowls down on the table in the dining room. Garrett had a smirk on his face as he began to take a spot at the table next to Elizabeth, but she stopped him before he could do so.

They ate in silence, Elizabeth enjoying her meal as fast as possible. It was stupid enough to have brought Garrett to her house, but it was even more stupider to have a meal with him. Elizabeth finished sooner than any other times she sped ate, quickly going into the kitchen and then into the spare bedroom where Sayeko and Kyoski were going to stay.

Inside this room would be reports and papers from months, even years worth of stuff. Elizabeth released a long sigh, grabbing stacks upon stacks of paper and adding them to her collection in her room. Elizabeth decided as she moved things that she was going to sort things sometime later in the future. While Elizabeth worked, Garrett chilled in the living room. He eyed every knick-knack she had, as well as the weird magazines Elizabeth owned on the coffee table.

Elizabeth kept working, and Garrett soon began to get concerned for Elizabeth. It was getting pretty late, and he knew that Elizabeth had things to do the next day anyway. Garrett limped out of the living room and down the hall. The lights to both Elizabeth's bedroom and the spare room were on, Elizabeth still moving from room to room. When Elizabeth didn't have a stack of papers, Garrett grabbed hold of Elizabeth to stop her from moving.

"Hey, Elizabeth, it's getting pretty late. Don't ya think it's time we head to bed?" Elizabeth looked up at Garrett, "You're right. It's way past your bedtime." She broke free from Garrett stacking the last bit of papers from the spare room. Looking into the room, Garrett saw the progress of how much Elizabeth did. On the way out of the room, Garrett lightly slapped Elizabeth's butt. Elizabeth didn't stop as her face turned beet red.

Once she placed the last stack of papers in her room, Elizabeth grabbed a nearby textbook and left her room. Garrett was still standing in the hallway, a little too proud of himself for doing what he did. Elizabeth aimed the book high above her and hit Garrett in the stomach with it. He doubled over in pain, falling to the floor. Elizabeth went back to her room, throwing a thin blanket out to Garrett and slamming her bedroom door closed.

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