Part 22

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As Elizabeth stared down at the sleeping man, he would eventually come to the realization that he was being watched. Slowly opening his eyes to see a boring hospital floor, it would quickly come to him what had just happened several hours before. Quickly sitting up, Kyoski's eyes would meet Elizabeth's, and instantly their cheeks would both flush up to a bright pink.

"Ah.. Elizabeth! You're awake! I'm awake!" While in his flustered state, he would make Elizabeth end up in a fit of giggles, eventually making Kyoski join in. Getting onto his feet, Kyoski would check Elizabeth's leg, as well as her vitals. After everything checked out, Kyoski safely and swiftly checked Elizabeth out of the medical room. The two would head down the long and majestic hallway that seemed to enchant Elizabeth every time she walked down it.

But as they walked, a small annoying voice would echo down the hall, a ghostly figure appearing before the two. It would look and sound exactly like Garrett, the annoying man from before. Still seeing the two of them together made Garrett pissed beyond belief, the man clenching his fists. Kyoski would instantly take note of this, grabbing Elizabeth by the hand and avoid Garrett. But as the two walked past Garrett, he would form a large water bucket in his hands.

Without a moments notice, ice cold water would be drenched onto both Kyoski and Elizabeth, both soaking wet within seconds. Within seconds of each other, and above Garrett's laughter, both would begin to scold Garrett in their own way. Luckily enough, both Kyoski and Elizabeth were near a bathroom. And as Kyoski left Elizabeth, Garrett would simply begin to be more annoying than ever before. "Listen, Lizzy, why do you date that freak who took you away from me? What do you see in him that I don't already have?"

Her once soft expression would turn into the familiar glare that was always directed to Garrett. "For starters, he isn't a total ass like you. Secondly, he treats me and my body with respect. And lastly, he actually made me feel like dating again." Not knowing what else to do as she waited for Kyoski to come of out the bathroom, Elizabeth stormed off away from Garrett. But as Elizabeth stormed off, Kyoski would be facing a much worse situation.

Inside of the bathroom, Kyoski would seem to have been staring at himself in the mirror for over ten minutes now, but what he was actually doing was talking to someone in a different dimension. He would be just as cocky as Garrett, but more witty and smart about things, kid of like a fusion between Garrett and Kyoski. Kyoski also wore a slight glare, for the man in the mirror was pissing him off. "I do hope you missed me, Kyoski. It has been such a long time, don't you agree?"

Kyoski quickly snapped back, some of the water Garrett had dumped on him and Elizabeth spraying up onto the mirror. "I'll have you know I barely missed you at all. And no, I don't agree. I want you to leave. Now. I'd rather not have Elizabeth finding out about you yet." And as Kyoski and the man in the mirror bickered about past and current events, Elizabeth would seem to have gotten herself slightly lost in the manor.

After storming off away from Garrett, she took many turns, letting her feet drag her off to some unknown place in the manor. It definitely was a hallway, for there were rooms with odd-looking doors attached to the different painting-clad walls. These paintings also seemed odd, and somewhat creepy to Elizabeth. As if they were the type of painting to watch you as you went along down the hallway.

After a while of roaming the same hallway, Elizabeth finally decided she had enough of wandering and was probably worrying Kyoski of her absence. Using her memory of where she had wandered off to, she passed by the same corners and objects she did on the way through the first time, glancing out every window she had passed by. By the time Elizabeth had gotten back, some parts of her clothes were still wet.

She had gotten back just in time too, for Kyoski would step out of the bathroom with two towels in his hand, the irritated look from before gone. With Garrett seeming to be no where in sight, the two headed off down the hallway, hand-in-hand, to Kyoski's room once more. Inside his room, Kyoski would constantly keep glancing at his bedroom mirror above his dresser. Elizabeth began to worry, also glancing at whatever Kyoski was looking at.

At the first few glances, there would be nothing, but after a while, there would be a different looking man in the mirror that didn't look like Kyoski at all. Elizabeth would approach the mirror, curious about the man. Kyoski would try and stop her, but she was determined to find out who the man in the mirror was. "Kyoski? Who is this?"

A devilish grin came across the man's face, taking a deep breath. "Greetings, fair lady. I am-" Before he would speak his name, Kyoski would butt in, stopping the conversation any further. "He is me, and I am him. End of story." Seeming to not want to push Kyoski any further with the matter, and Kyoski thinking the same, the two would head for the bed.

Once there, Kyoski's cheeks would flush up a bright pink. "I do hope you don't mind me asking, but, um, Elizabeth, would you like to sleep with me? Not like the way we have been doing, but, the other way..." She instantly knew what he meant. The three letter word stealing each of their virginity. Sex. At first, Elizabeth didn't know what to say. She didn't expect Kyoski to say something like that so soon, and to her.

But after feeling her cheeks and ears slowly burn to an embarrassing red, she rapidly begin to nod to hide the way she looked. "Mhm...!" So, it was determined, in that moment, that the two lovers would become one with a long night of first time sex. Kyoski was beyond nervous, and was honestly wondering why he asked such a ridiculous question in the first place. Elizabeth on the other hand was completely embarrassed towards the question, wondering why she responded the way she did.

At first, it was kind of awkward, for neither one of them knew what to do. Elizabeth did what she had read in romance novels back when she loved them dearly. She began to undress her partner very slowly. Starting with his shirt, she would eventually strip him down to only his boxers. Kyoski eventually caught on, doing the same but stripping her down to her bra and panties. Both sat on the bed, neither one wondering who goes where.

Eventually though, it was decided that Kyoski go on bottom and Elizabeth go on top. Covering their lower half with the blanket, Elizabeth slowly placed her part over his, her face a bright red. What Kyoski didn't do was take off her glasses, the lenses soon fogging up from his cool breath and her hot face. Slowly but surely, Kyoski's cock would enter Elizabeth, causing the girl to moan in pleasure.

The night would continue on like this, Elizabeth and Kyoski both soon getting the hang of feeling one another. The night would end the two of them still connected as they shared passionate, wet kisses as they fell asleep holding onto one another. Neither one of them would forget the feeling of the other up against their skin, nor the passionate sounds they made for one another. It was a truly musical night for the lovers, making the night more memorable than being remembered as the night they got their v-cards stolen by one another.

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