Part 20

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The sun had just begun to rise on both sides of the universes, Elizabeth Shadowgear seeming to think the whole night from before was just a dream. But as she woke, and saw her sleeping immortal date holding her tightly, her dream would seem to become a reality. While staring at the sleeping boy for the first time, Elizabeth would notice how soft and adorable his features were as he slept. There would also be a few strands of his black hair in his face, making Kyoski look more innocent to Elizabeth than before.

Eventually, as Elizabeth admired her sleeping boyfriend, Kyoski would begin to wake up. Seeing Elizabeth staring at him, he would gain a small smile on his face, and as soon as Elizabeth had noticed, she would gain an embarrassed look on her face. "A-Ah..." As Elizabeth would begin to stumble on her words, Kyoski would just lay there and chuckle. "No need to act up, Elizabeth. If it makes you feel better, I'm totally fine with you staring at me while I rest."

By the time the sun had fully risen, so had they. Kyoski would have gotten to his feet, stretching a bit before helping Elizabeth to hers. Picking out a few blades of grass from Elizabeth's hair, Kyoski would then again take her hand once more. "I hope you're up for another surprise on this date." With little bits of Elizabeth's embarrassing look from earlier still remaining, she would nod as Kyoski immediately would again lead her into a much more thicker part of the woods than from before.

The deeper the two got into the forest, the more enchanting the woods seemed to become. As they walked through the woods, the canopies above would block out most of the sunlight, but there would be a few beams that filtered through, seeming to help light a path for Kyoski. Eventually, a large glass building would come into view, and Elizabeth would know exactly what it would be. But as the two approached the massive greenhouse, Elizabeth would stop in her tracks as she would hear a voice she long wished was gone.

"Oh. So I see how it is. You go on a date with him, but not me? Come on, Lizzie. I know you could do so much better." As Elizabeth would begin to surprisingly hear Garrett's voice, Kyoski would quickly stop in his tracks too, a concerned look on his face as he turned around and saw Elizabeth's terrified one. "Elizabeth? What's wrong? Is something the matter?" And as soon as Kyoski had finished speaking, now he too could hear Garrett as if he were right there next to them. "Nothing is the matter except that Elizabeth here seems to be dating the wrong guy!"

Seeming to ignore Garrett and trying to comfort Elizabeth, Kyoski would quickly bring Elizabeth to the front door of the greenhouse. Unfortunately, Garrett would seem to follow along and would click his tongue in annoyance. Kyoski would pull out a key to the building, but wouldn't get the change to use it for Garrett would melt the lock into one big piece if copper. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you two..."

Still doing his best to ignore Garrett, Kyoski would release an annoyed sigh. Surprisingly, this would the first time Elizabeth would hear Kyoski get annoyed at someone. And as Elizabeth stared at Kyoski with amazement, he would have pulled out a chisel and broke away the lock on the front door to the greenhouse.

Seeming to realize he wasn't going to get anywhere with the two, Garrett would leave for the time being. Finally entering the greenhouse, Elizabeth would be greeted with a magnificent sight of a large variety of plant species of all shapes and sizes. Kyoski's annoyed mood would seem to disappear when he watched Elizabeth wander a bit in the greenhouse, the girl seeming to give him a sense of security and calmness.

Eventually, they would arrive at a medium section of rare-looking plants. With her attention mainly focused on the plants, Kyoski would take this chance and show Elizabeth something incredible. He would pick up a nearby spray bottle, giving a sly smirk before lightly misting the slightly wilting flowers and shrubs. Before Elizabeth's eyes, the plants would seem to spring back to their original state.

Elizabeth's jaw would drop, "What.. what was in that bottle? Some kind of magic potion?" Still spraying the nearby plants, Kyoski's smirk would change into a giddy smile. "Mm... nope. You want to know what's in this bottle?" After a moment of silence, he would lower his voice down to a whisper. "It's just water." With a look of complete disbelief, Elizabeth would groan as she would begin to walk away. "Come on, Elizabeth! Share a joke with me, yeah?"

As Kyoski and Elizabeth hung around in the greenhouse, eventually Elizabeth would find it in her heart to forgive Kyoski. And as they made a full loop around the greenhouse, Kyoski would have stated many random facts about the different plants they passed. Pointing at a mint patch, he would state "Grinding up the mint leaves and using the aloe along with it helps makes a great remedy for a terrible cough. And using the crushed mint and some hot water, it also makes a great herbal tea."

As the two would end their adventures in the greenhouse, Kyoski would have said many interesting facts and tips about the many plants they had passed. Taking her hand, Kyoski would give Elizabeth another kind smile. "Ready for another adventure? I'd like to show you something not even Sayeko knows about." Again, as he smirked, Elizabeth would gain a look of complete disbelief in the boy. But she would get over it faster than the first time, for she would just laugh at him.

With one adventure ending, another soon begins as Kyoski carefully lead Elizabeth back out of the greenhouse and to the path they walked on before. But instead of going all the way back to the manor, Kyoski would stop halfway on the path as he looked around they area they stood around. Eventually, Kyoski would lead a way off the path and towards a large tree. As they got closer to the pine tree, Elizabeth would gain a confused look.

Answering her confused look, Kyoski would give her a small smile. "Trust me on this, Elizabeth." He would begin to climb up the different branches, but would stop about one branch up. "What's wrong?" With a slightly embarrassed look on her face, she would look away. "I, um, can't free climb on my own." As she would state this, Kyoski would extend down a hand to her for help. "You don't need to worry about falling. I'll be here every step of the way."

With his reassuring words, Elizabeth would climb up onto the branch across from Kyoski. The two of them would work like clockwork until they got 3/4ths of the way up the tree. Kyoski would seem to be lagging behind as Elizabeth would want to go higher. But seeing Kyoski slowing down, Elizabeth would take into consideration of his feelings and sit down on the branch she stood on. "Kyoski... I think we should rest for a little while.."

Nodding, he would sit down on the branch across from Elizabeth, the two now sitting inches across from on another. As they would sit there, a breeze would blow by, seeming to make the situation even worse. Eventually, Kyoski would speak up. "It seems what I lack in physical strength I make up for in brains." Nodding in agreement, Elizabeth would give Kyoski a quick kiss on the lips. "Also in kindness and generosity."

Within seconds, Kyoski would flush up a bright pink. "A-Ah.. w-well.. um... You're not wrong..." With a small giggle, Elizabeth would take Kyoski's hands into hers. "Feel better?" With a slight nod, Kyoski would pull himself and Elizabeth to their feet. And just like before their short break, Kyoski would climb up as he helped Elizabeth shortly after. And eventually, the two of them would reach the large canopy atop the trees.

With a relaxed and relieved expression, Kyoski would crawl over to the center of the canopy as he laid back. Elizabeth would shortly follow him, captivated in the incredible view ahead of her. A bright orange and yellow sunset turning into a light purple sky. And as the sky turned twilight, the stars and eventually the moon would slowly come out. As the night dragged on, Elizabeth eventually ended up cuddling with Kyoski as the two of them watched the stars like the night before. And as the two cuddled with one another like the night before, they would both fall into a deep sleep.

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