Part 18

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By the time morning came around, Kyoski would no longer be in Elizabeth's room. But what really weirded Elizabeth out was that she didn't wake up crying or covered in her own sweat. But a different thing would distract her from her confusion. The smell of exotic spices and foods had somehow found its way to Elizabeth, making her feel warm and calm inside.

Before Elizabeth could get up and investigate, a knock would come to her bedroom door. At first, she thought it someone accidentally hitting it, but as the person on the other side kept knocking, she knew it was someone who wanted her attention. Elizabeth hesitated for a few moments, "E-Enter..." Kyoski would then enter in, carrying a tray with what Elizabeth saw were breakfast items.

He would lay the tray down next to Elizabeth on the bed, sitting on the chair across from it. Elizabeth stared in awe at the beautiful array of fruits and other items. What excited her the most was the tea Kyoski had brought with on the tray. She then carefully took the mug in her hands, the outside a perfect temperature for her to handle. Kyoski watched in silence, waiting for the right moment to speak up.

While Kyoski waited, Elizabeth would be slowly taking a sip of the tea Kyoski had prepared. Releasing a sigh of defeat, Kyoski would take a deep breath. "Elizabeth, since I made that first promise with you in the tunnels, my feelings for you seemed to only blossom bigger and bigger the more I spent time with you. So, I ask you now, Elizabeth Shadowgear, will you go on a date with me this evening, say 7?"

The tea Elizabeth was drinking would almost escape her mouth by the sudden offer from Kyoski. She would look over at him with slightly widened eyes, her face a little flushed from the question. Kyoski's face would also be flushed, an embarrassing moment for him. Elizabeth calmly put the cup down, looking back up at Kyoski. She would then gain a huge grin on her face as she would jump onto him with a huge hug. "YES! One hundred times yes!!! I'll go on a date with you this evening."

As if on sync, both of their faces would flush up in slight embarrassment, making each of them look like an adorable tomato. Kyoski would then quickly hug Elizabeth back, getting off the bed and onto his feet. He, like Elizabeth, would have a happy grin on his face. On the way out of the door he would give Elizabeth a satisfied nod, "Thank you, Elizabeth!" When Kyoski would close the door behind him, Elizabeth burst into a fit of giggles at how adorable Kyoski acted when he asked her.

It would only be ten o'clock in the morning, Elizabeth already wanting the day to go by quickly so she could go on her date with Kyoski. But Kyoski and Elizabeth wouldn't be the only ones with plans that evening. Sayeko would take it upon himself to go out and try something new. Like asking his crush out. All three would seem to be excited for that evening, the mood that settled in the house that day brought everyone giddy smiles and blushes.

By the time of the date, everyone had showered and freshened up, eagerly awaiting the time to have a little fun. Starting off with Elizabeth, she would be wearing the white spring dress Kyoski was so fond of. Always having her blonde hair up, she would decide for this one night to have it down, the split ends of her hair reaching a little bit past her chest. Her once speckled and dirty glasses lenses would now be spotless and clear, everything around her no longer a different shade of blur. At this point Elizabeth would question if she should use the really old makeup she had or not, but it would come to the conclusion soon after that she really didn't need it.

Second would be Kyoski, the eldest between the two brothers. He would have a sleek black tuxedo with a red bowtie. His medium length black hair would be all styled and pampered a bit, but in the end it look the same way as it did before the excessive amounts of styling. His glasses would also be spotless and clear, nothing really different with them. He would constantly checking himself in the mirror for any flaws or mistakes he missed from the previous times he looked. With a hearty chuckle, Sayeko would reassure his brother that everything was going to be alright and that Kyoski should calm down.

Eventually, the time for Kyoski and Elizabeth's date would roll around. Both Kyoski and Elizabeth would be very nervous about the date, Elizabeth pacing in her room while Kyoski again tried to fix his hair. After eventually giving up on his hair, Kyoski would take a deep breath to calm down as he went to Elizabeth's room and knocked on the door. When Kyoski did knock, Elizabeth's heart would begin pounding in her chest. Not seeming too desperate to get the date started and over with, Elizabeth swiftly made her way to her bedroom door where a stylish looking Kyoski stood.

They would both stare at one another in complete awe, seeming to be entranced by one another's beauty. It would be Elizabeth who would show any signs of reaction, for she would blush up instantly. Kyoski on the other hand would stay cool and collected, seeming to hide his emotions deep within himself. Then Kyoski would take Elizabeth by both of her hands, giving her a nervous smile. "You ready for our date?" She would return a nervous grin back at Kyoski, "Very much so."

Leading Elizabeth down the hallways towards his room, Kyoski would stop halfway. Standing by the door would be Sayeko, the keys to the house in his hand. Sayeko would give Elizabeth a good look over before giving Kyoski a thumbs up. Before anyone could say anything to him, Sayeko would leave the house with a determined smile. Again, Kyoski's attention would go back to his date with Elizabeth. She would have an amused smile on her face, seeming to know what was up with Sayeko.

Kyoski would then lead Elizabeth the rest of the way to his room, allowing her to go first inside. As soon as Kyoski had closed the door behind him, both his and Elizabeth's attention would soon go towards the large body mirror sitting in the corner of the room. Elizabeth would be slightly confused as to why they were walking towards a body mirror, but her confusion would quickly leave as Kyoski spoke up. "On the other side of this mirror will be a place like you've never seen before. Here is where we will have our date. Are you prepared for what you may see?"

Without thinking, the words would quickly slip out. "I am ready for anything, Kyoski." With a helping hand, Kyoski would help Elizabeth walk through the mirror. He would quickly follow after, getting ready to give Elizabeth the best date he could possibly give her.

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