Part 10

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The next morning, Elizabeth would get up at the normal hours of the early morning, taking a shower. A little after her shower, Elizabeth began to prepare herself some coffee. Garrett would soon wake up after smelling the coffee, falling onto the floor. He would groan loudly, getting to his feet. He limped to the kitchen, watching Elizabeth work once more. Elizabeth would notice this time, pulling out another mug. "Don't make me grab my heaviest textbook."

Garrett limped away, sitting back down on the couch. Elizabeth soon came over with both of their coffee mugs, placing Garrett's down on the table. Garrett would quickly move over for Elizabeth to sit down, patting the empty spot. Elizabeth really didn't want to sit down, but she did anyway. She watched Garrett out of the corner of her eye, making sure he doesn't do anything stupid.

Both sat in silence once more until Garrett spoke up. "So, tell me, why did you bring me here when you told me that you hated me?" Elizabeth really didn't know the answer to that, looking away as she sipped her coffee. Garrett inched closer, wanting an answer. "Elizabeth, what is it that you're not telling me?" Garrett would then jokingly gasp, "Are you- are you in love with me?! I knew it! Oh my god! You're blushing! You totally are!"

Elizabeth placed her coffee down, quickly standing up. Within five seconds, Elizabeth snapped her body to the left, slapping Garrett hard once again. She was flushed, yes, but it was all because of the blood rushing to her head. "Listen here, little boy, you pull one more stupid move like that and I'll make sure you can't walk on either foot." Garrett inched away from Elizabeth, taking his coffee with him.

Elizabeth sat back down, watching out her front window. Through the shades she watched as people of all heights passed by, seeming to have a much more busier day than Elizabeth. After a while, Elizabeth would get bored. She went over ideas on what to do, but nothing really came to her. Staring down at her partially empty coffee mug, something came to her. She needed some more things for the house, and since Sayeko and Kyoski were staying there, she needed more than she expected.

So, Elizabeth pushed herself off the couch and went to go get her keys. Garrett would watch her, "Where ya going? Can I come with?" Elizabeth gripped her keys tightly, remembering that there was an idiot sitting on her couch. "I'm going to the store for a few things, and no you can't come." Before Garrett could protest any further, Elizabeth left the house.

The distance to the store was a lot shorter than it was to the L.O.G.I., which was a lot more efficient to Elizabeth. Less time out in public and more time at home to work. While at the store, she would get more fruits and vegetables. Elizabeth would also get some more tea and even a few extra boxes of band aids. The cashier gave Elizabeth an apologetic look, seeing the bandages. Elizabeth didn't mind nor did she care to notice the odd stares the other customers were giving her.

Just as quickly as she had arrived, Elizabeth sped walked back to her home. When she arrived, Garrett was unfortunately still there. Elizabeth tried her best to sneak past his line of vision, but failed when Garrett whistled at Elizabeth. She would roll her eyes, going into the kitchen. She placed the food items she bought into the fridge, placing the tea into a cupboard full of other kinds of tea. She then headed to the bathroom, pulling out a step-stool. Stepping onto the stool, she was able to reach the shelf where she kept her band aids.

A few minutes would pass, a knocking coming to the front door. Elizabeth rushed out of the bathroom, but she was too late. Garrett was already at the door, opening it to reveal Sayeko and Kyoski with their things. Garrett would begin talking to them. "What is this? Some kind of sleep-over? Get lost." Before Garrett could close the door, Elizabeth came up from behind and pushed him out of the doorway.

She shot death glares at Garrett, welcoming the brothers into her house with a warm smile. "Excuse the idiot, he won't be here for much longer." Garrett was a little confused by the remark, getting more confused as to why the brothers were allowed to stay but he wasn't. Kyoski gave a small smile back, "It really is no problem, but are you sure it's alright or us to stay here?" Elizabeth closed the door behind them, "Of course it is. I do have a spare room, all that it was being used for was collecting dust and old paperwork."

Sayeko and Kyoski went to the spare room, seeing how big it was. Sayeko then gave Elizabeth an apologetic smile, "We'll be in here for a while, so it may be a while until we return." Elizabeth nodded, "Sounds good. I'll call you for dinner." Sayeko said a silent thanks as he closed the bedroom door. Elizabeth went off to the kitchen, beginning to make herself some tea.

Like how she normally does it, Elizabeth pulled out a kettle and filled it up with water. She then set it on the stove, turning the heat up. While waiting for the water to heat up, she would decide which tea she wanted as well as to search for a honey bottle. Once the water was ready, Elizabeth placed the tea bag in her mug and poured the water. Steam rose up and covered some of her glasses, making Elizabeth giggle a bit.

Garrett overheard Elizabeth, coming to the kitchen to investigate. "What's up? Sounds like a kitten sneezed in here or something." Elizabeth still had the smile on her face, the steam leaving her lens as she dipped the bag in the water a few times. "Oh, it's nothing." She then pulled out a spoon, waiting for the right time to pull the bag out of the water. Garrett rolled his eyes, heading back to the living room.

Once the time was right, Elizabeth grabbed hold of her mug and carried it over the trash can. Since Elizabeth was too caught up in the moment of making the most perfect tea, she wouldn't notice the burning sensation in her hand. But as soon as she felt a slight twinge of pain in her hand, a floodgate of agony swept through her nerves.

Elizabeth quickly put down the mug, examining her hand. It would be a bright pink, heat radiating off of the wound. She winced loudly, Garrett overhearing her odd noises once more. He quickly rushed into the kitchen, seeing Elizabeth near to tears. "Oh gosh. What happened?!" Elizabeth quickly hid her hand, "Nothing. Nothing happened.." Garrett took a step towards Elizabeth, holding his own hand out. "It's not 'nothing'. Let me see."

Elizabeth went for the other door, rushing off to the bathroom. Once at the bathroom, she locked the door. Garrett would obviously follow her, knocking on the door. "Elizabeth, let me in. I can help you." She leaned against the door, preventing Garrett from getting in at all despite the lock. "I don't need your help."

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