Part 23

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By the next morning, Elizabeth had awoken to the sight of Kyoski no longer inside of her. He would be far on his side of the bed, snuggling with the blanket. Elizabeth sat up, the feeling of Kyoski lurking throughout her entire body. The warm sensation made the girl flush up and giggle, slight disbelief still lingering as if it may have been a dream. But it was no dream, and it was no surprise Elizabeth felt this way.

Mumbling in his sleep, Kyoski would seem to be having a vivid dream. With a dorky expression on his face, Elizabeth would even seem more curious about what he was dreaming. So finally putting her immortal powers to good use, Elizabeth would focus her thoughts on Kyoski, slowly feeling herself enter his mind.

In Kyoski's mind, everything would look like a candy land fantasy. The roads would be made of cookies, the bushes nearby made of cotton candy. Ahead of where Elizabeth was would be a licorice-type castle with red vines. The dream version of Kyoski would seem to be rushing out of the castle with a large strawberry under his arm. He would also seem to have a determined look, keeping both of his hands on the strawberry.

Being careful of what she was doing, Elizabeth would follow Kyoski and the strawberry. But, her following spree wouldn't drag on for much longer, for a medium sized earthquake would erupt within the dream, causing both Elizabeth and Kyoski to turn around in shock. A large red wave of strawberry syrup would begin to form, chasing after Kyoski in a horrible way. Grabbing a nearby wafer cookie, Kyoski would seem to get the idea to surf the strawberry syrup wave.

Elizabeth, on the other hand, wouldn't seem to be bothered by the dreams laws of physics, for she would just fly around in the air right next to Kyoski on the red wave. "Don't worry, Elizabeth. I will find a way to help you, my sweet strawberry." Despite being called a strawberry, Elizabeth still found it very flattering that she would be in Kyoski's very sweet dream. But, as she would begin to leave out of his dream, Elizabeth would notice a figure in a bright red dress coming towards Kyoski on another red wave.

"Elizabeth!!" Kyoski would call out to the figure in the dress, the girl seeming to begin to slip into unconsciousness. Both red waves would begin to fade, Kyoski's wave dying out first. The moment his feet touched the ground, he was in an immediate spirt towards the dream version of Elizabeth. With his arms extended to catch her, he leaped up into the air. Catching her without fault, both Kyoski and Elizabeth landed onto the ground with cheerful smiles.

Sensing this was her time to leave, the real Elizabeth left the dream behind, waiting for Kyoski to awaken on his own. While Elizabeth waited, Kyoski occasionally mumbled in his sleep, making her laugh as softly as she could. "Mm... I love you, my sweet, sweet, strawberry!" And after a few more embarrassing mumbles and moans, Kyoski eventually awoke with a dazed expression on his face.

"Good morning, Elizabeth. I take it you had a wonderful nights rest after what had happened last night." She would giggle, kissing Kyoski on the lips. "I had a wonderful nights rest." Confused, yet happy, Kyoski would slide out of bed and change his clothes, grabbing a nearby dish from the breakfast tray by the door. But Elizabeth wouldn't follow. Something, or someone, was stopping her from doing so. Instead of having both Kyoski and Elizabeth see him, it would be just Elizabeth.

"Fine. If that's how you want to play, then we'll play dirty." As Garrett spoke these harsh words, his hand would be around Elizabeth's neck and she would be held up against the bedroom wall away from Kyoski. Instinct would kick in and Kyoski knew exactly who and what was going on. Not being able to see Garrett, Kyoski did his very best to try and stop the spirit from harming his girlfriend. But doing so only made Garrett more mad.

Within seconds, Garrett switched his focus over to Kyoski, but Kyoski soon would end up on the floor. From what Elizabeth had witnessed, Garrett had kicked Kyoski very swift and very hard in his vital region, causing the boy to fall to his knees clutching his crotch. Tears began to drip down his cheeks as Elizabeth watched in horror. But fear was soon replaced by anger and more hatred. Despite being a ghost, Elizabeth would somehow find a way to get back at Garrett for harming Kyoski in the most horrible way possible.

Soon Elizabeth would begin yelling as she grabbed hold of Garrett's cold shoulder. Both Garrett and Kyoski found it near impossible to have Elizabeth touch Garrett, let alone keep a solid firm grip on his shoulder. But she never loosened her grip, not did she ever consider on letting go. She was determined to get back at Garrett, and no one could stop her. She would be in full she-beast mode by the time Kyoski had recovered from the kick, making both men terrified of what she may do next.

Keeping her grip on Garrett, Elizabeth would throw him into the ground. Afterwards, she began to repeatedly punch and smash the mans face into her fist and even the walls and floor, all while still yelling at Garrett. As Elizabeth raged, Kyoski began to yell at her to try and bring her back before she passes out again, and who knows for how long this time. But her time was running short, and both Kyoski and Garrett knew this. Despite being dead, he could still feel her punches and hits. And by the time Elizabeth fully finished with Garrett, and was backing away from him sobbing, Sayeko would burst through the closet doors with a worried expression.

Then all would go black for Elizabeth, and she would fall to the floor with a thud. Giving one scary glare at Garrett, Kyoski gave a silent warning to leave and never come back. Surprisingly enough, he got the message and disappeared without a trace. Glancing back at his younger brother, Kyoski lifted Elizabeth into his arms without a problem. She would feel as light as she had did a few days previously, making him smile slightly in this horrible moment.

"Kyoski... I heard something... I heard a lot of somethings, actually.. Through the mirrors and all." As Sayeko spoke, his brother lay Elizabeth under the covers on the bed, sitting down next to her. "I had a feeling you would, Sayeko. But you chose now of all times to come around a visit?" Sayeko would shrug, looking back at the closet. "I was a little preoccupied back there."

With a sigh of defeat, many scenarios popped into Kyoski's head as to what kinds pf trouble his brother could have gotten himself in to. "Oh, do tell me, Sayeko. It's not like I have anything better to do while I wait for her to wake..." Kyoski would trail off, worried greatly about Elizabeth. She had done what was honestly considered impossible, especially for any person or animal or celestial being out there. She had gone through the wall between the humans and the spirits and had made contact with one of them.

"I see. Well, long story short, I was pelted with acorns by my dates brother. And in order to get back at him, I planned on bringing my old brewing kit out again. I came back, because I needed my hat." Rolling his eyes at how childish Sayeko could be, Kyoski focused his attention more on Elizabeth. "If you're going to dabble in witchcraft again, could you do me a favor and grab a few bottles from the storage room that I could possibly give Elizabeth as she sleeps, so her transition when she wakes won't be so hard?"

Grabbing a witches hat from the closet, Sayeko would give a mighty cackle. "Of course, my dear brother! Witchcraft is my specialty!" Fixing the hat onto his head, Sayeko would dash out of the room like a little kid would on Halloween night, leaving the unconscious Elizabeth and the very concerned Kyoski.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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