Where Am I?

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There was a bright white flash and then a sensation of falling. She felt her hair whip past her. It took a moment but she gathered her bearings. She could see the ground swiftly coming towards her. She landed on the ground on all fours just as she heard a dark voice say,

"Oh...well, well. What a tiny master this is."

Her black hair hung around her face like a curtain as she saw the blood she was crouching in. She looked up and saw she was surrounded by masked adults staring at her in shock. They wore robes with hoods and they were dressed well. The young woman got back on her feet and scanned the room with her piercingly vivid green eyes. Unknowingly to her she was wearing something highly improper for the time period she was in.

Her outfit was completely black. She wore platform lace up the front boots, leather pants with a few thin buckles on her upper right leg, black under-bust leather corset, the neckline was very deep and showed much skin in between her breasts and barely covered anything, and she had long sleeves and black leather gloves that nearly reached her elbows with black lace on the end.

She wore a lace black choker with some silver design on it and some dangly emeralds on it, an armor ring on her left middle finger and two gothic cross bracelets on either hand. Her most prized piece of jewelry was a hand crafted necklace of antiqued bronze with a one inch dire wolf pendant that resembled a gothic door knocker, emerald green genuine Swarovski crystals black silk ribbon necklace. Finally she had a black cloak with a hood, not unlike the cult members but hers was held together by a gold wolf's head.

She looked around the room and saw that she was standing in the center of a pentagram and there were candelabras everywhere. She saw blood all over the floor and knives scattered around the room. Fantastic, she was in a cult. (Notice the sarcasm) She saw a young boy sitting in a cage. He had blue hair and large blue eyes. The black haired woman could see that he was bleeding. Crouching in front of him was a demon. He was shrouded in shadow but she could see glowing cat like eyes narrowed towards her with a slight smirk of fangs on his face.

"A-Another demon?" One of the masked cult members stuttered.

The woman turned towards him and looked him dead in the eyes. She had a hold of him with her eyes, almost as if he were in a trance. An amused smile appeared on her face and she laughed, pure and clear like a bell that echoed throughout the room.

"Oh no, not me, that" she pointed over to the shadowed figure crouched by the cage "is a demon. I am something else entirely." She said. She seemed to draw herself up with some pride and dignity in whatever she was.

She then turned and saw the little boy again. He was staring at her with wide scared blue eyes. He seemed to be reaching out to her. The black haired woman's gaze softened. He reminded her of Arya when, that happened. She turned towards the cult members.

"Where the hell is the key for the cage?" She said, her eyes narrowing.

"Y-You're going to let him out?" A man yelled indignantly.

"No," she said sarcastically. "I'm going to use the key to shoot rainbows at him. Of course I'm going to let him out, imbecile."

"Who are you?" A woman in the crowd yelled.

The black clad woman smirked. "I go by many names." Her face then hardened. She saw the key on a man's waist and with a flick of her wrist, it was in her hand. "None of which," she walked towards the cage, keeping eye contact with the demon just in case he lunged at her. He seemed amused by her actions but also more wary of her after seeing her powers, "you're worthy," she put the key in the lock and opened the cage, "of pronouncing." She gently pulled the small child out of the cage. Poor boy was covered in blood, cuts and bruises.

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