Dealing With Witches in Training

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Everything belongs to its rightful owners. I love all of your reviews, they make me feel validated the more thought you put into them. Keep em coming. Thank you Ancient Glory for being my beta reader.

Nyra knew she had to smooth things over with the other witches. She couldn't just show up for a week and ignore them the entire time before going back into the past. On the other hand, it was quite simple to find something to entertain Sebastian and Ciel with. She gave the Earl a Nintendo DSI, with a Pokémon game installed into it for him. She couldn't remember which one it was out of the rest of the several versions, but it was sure to keep the young Earl occupied. Then it was time for Sebastian's time waster. The witch gave him a laptop that had been used by Yanmei, taught him how to use it, and helped him search up a myriad of cat videos, which she knew he would enjoy. Sebastian's face immediately lit up as he began to watch kittens sneezing adorably, and purring mother cats snuggling up with their kits. Nyra herself knew how distracting video games and Youtube could be from existence. One could get so absorbed into the Internet and their own electronics that when they snap out of it, they can only think 'What day is it?'

Nyra called her students to the theatre. It was used for concerts occasionally for the aspiring vocal witches, such as Nyra herself, but it was mostly a lecture hall for magical instruction and the like. Like the rest of the hotel, it had Grecian architecture and it was lit by flaming brazers on the wall, lighting the room up medievally. The expressions on each witch's face varied; some appeared nervous, others were excited, and there were a few who looked hostile, probably from the reason that Nyra had been planning to go back to the Victorian era. Nyra stood on the stage, behind a podium used mostly for announcements, and spoke into the microphone. She got right to the point, not wanting to waste time on meaningless introductions.

"In case any of you hadn't heard, I will be going back to the past with the two that came here with me. I have unfinished business there. But, I won't abandon you, I-"

"You are abandoning us!" a witch from the crowd had yelled. Nyra looked at the witch coldly. She had short blonde hair and her mask had cracked in several places. "We worked so hard to get you back, for months now, and now you're just going to dust!?" (Dust is American slang for 'running off.')

"I am not abandoning you." Nyra said, her voice cold as she repeated herself, teeth grit. "Time is constant, and I'm sure the me that has returned to the present from the nineteenth century naturally will arrive here in time."

"But how long will that take?" another witch asked. "Yanmei and Brianna have probably found things they need to do in the past too, so we won't have any real teachers!"

Nyra hadn't realized that Yanmei and Brianna had been sent back as well. She would have to talk to Yanmei about that, and Brianna as well if she ever would be able to find her. How had everything affected them? How did waking up in the puzzle box again effect Yanmei? It probably terrified Yanmei far more than the dragon witch would care to admit. Before she could speak again, another voice piped up.

"They might not even have something in the past they need to do!" It was Opal, and she stood up violently, mandibles coming out of her mouth and clicking together angrily. "Even if they do, they will come back on their own eventually!"

"So we're just supposed to wait around like dogs!?" another angry voice huffed.

Before long, every witch was yelling. Masks were cracked or were off all together. They were roaring and hissing, tongues flickering out of their mouths. Wings fluttered, tentacles writhed and tails lashed. Nyra felt her patience begin to wear thin as the yelling continued, in multiple languages. The air became thick with buzzing magic, bursting at the seams. Luckily, the theatre was sound proofed, so no one outside could hear what was going on. Unfortunately for her, she was at the centre of it.

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