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I own nothing but my OC's. PLEASE REVIEW!

"Jo ajna." Agni said seriously.

"Yes my lord." Sebastian said with a smirk. "Now then, please, kindly go easy on my." Sebastian smirked.

"Here I go!" Agni said, surging forward.

He made a jab towards Sebastian but the butler dodged. Sebastian swung towards Agni but the white haired man ducked. While low to the ground the visitor made a shot towards Sebastian's face but the demon dodged, however the tip nearly missed his nose. Sebastian made a stab at Agni's forehead, aiming at his jeweled bindi but a swift uppercut deflected the hit.

Watching from her chair Nyra was surprised to see Sebastian's eyes sporting their demonic slits. Apparently old feather brain was serious about this fight. The two men made jabs at each other at the same time, heading in between the others' eyes but they both bent their heads back. They dodged just in the nick of time. They both took another shot but their blades met at the tips. The pressure being applied by both men was too much for the blades to handle and the swords broke. Sebastian caught the end of his sword.

"Oh my." Sebastian sighed. "The sword's broken." Everyone in the room was shocked at the outcome.

"It's such a pity." Lau said. "This means that it'll be impossible to compete anymore. So this match ends in a draw."

"Ciel's butler is also pretty strong." Soma said. "Agni is the strongest fighter in my city! This is the first time somebody draw-ed with him!" Soma said with a grin.

'It's actually a draw?' Ciel thought in shock. 'But his opponent was Sebastian! That guy is on par with a demon!'

"I'm impressed. Ciel's butler, seeing that you re so skilled, we shall stop for today!" Soma grinned, praising Sebastian.

"It is my honor." Sebastian bowed with a hand over his heart.

"Mr. Sebastian, thank you for exchanging blows with me." Agni said with a bright smile on his face.

"I feel the same way Mr. Agni. You have a very fast learning speed. I can't say that the results will be the same if you are not a novice." Sebastian said.

"No that's not the case!" Agni said, holding up his hands.

"So modest." Nyra said with a smile.

That's when Agni remembered her. He walked over to the witch with a sorrowful look on his face. "Miss Nyra, I am terribly sorry for earlier. Does it still hurt?"

"I'm fine." Nyra said.

"That's good." Agni said.

Sebastian helped Nyra out of the chair and let her lean on him as her leg was till useless. Ciel walked over to the two of them. "Sebastian, Nyra, what exactly is that guy? Don't tell me that he's another one of 'that kind' again..." Ciel said, thinking of Grell.

"No, he is human." Sebastian said.

"Oh really..." Ciel said with a sigh of relief.

"Hey Ciel!" Soma said glomping Ciel all of a sudden. "We should compete again too!"

"What?" Ciel asked, turning blue with shock.

"I won't lose this time!" Soma cheered.

"How many times must I tell you that I am busy!?" Ciel yelled with a tick mark in his forehead.

"That's right...he is just an ordinary human. However...he possesses an ability that we do not have...that's what I presume." Sebastian said.

"Hey feather brain." Nyra whispered in the demon's ear. "Mind taking me somewhere so I can heal my leg in peace?"

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