First Day in the Future

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Everything belongs to its rightful owners. If any of you have any ideas for what our trio should do while they're in the 21st century, feel free to make a suggestion. Sorry it's so short! Thank you so much to my beta!

It took a little while, but eventually Sebastian calmed down. The cat ended up in a happy home at the end of the episode which instantly made the demon feel better. He then went off with Opal for his own fitting. Once he left Ciel proceeded to finally allow himself to laugh, rather uncontrollably. As a matter of fact, he had been rolling all over the floor. Nyra thought the situation was funny as well, but after a while told Ciel to calm down. The witch made them both breakfast while they waited. True, she was no Sebastian, but Nyra wasn't completely useless in the kitchen.

After Sebastian had come back with his modern day clothes (a pair of dark slacks, black and white diagonal stripe shirt, dark suit jacket and black scarf) Nyra walked with them up to the lobby to show them more of the hotel and also plan on what they wanted to do while they were on their weird little vacation. The hotel lobby had very large floor to ceiling windows that allowed guests to observe marine life that swam by and also let in a slightly blue tinted light. The floors were white marble, as were the columns and the front desk. Several guests walked about the room but all looked to be quite wealthy.

"So what do you guys wanna do?" Nyra asked, putting on a green leather jacket. "We can go see the ruins, a museum, theater, cinema- yes they are different." Nyra said, cutting the two of them off. "We can go out to eat, the mall, seriously, anything you want!"

Slightly disturbed by the witch being so cheerful and sparkly (somewhat like Elizabeth) Sebastian chuckled. "Perhaps just a little exploring for the day."

Nyra giggled and rubbed her head sheepishly. "Sorry, I'm just excited."

"Yes, we gathered that." Ciel sweat dropped before looking at the water outside. "How are we going to get out of here?" He asked, watching a small school of fish swim by.

"We don't have a road or anything that connects us to the mainland but there is a ferry that transports the guests to and from the hotel." Nyra said before glancing down at her phone. "The ferry won't be back for an hour so we can just take one of the private boats."

The witch led them over to an elevator and pushed the button for the top most floor. After pushing a spark of electricity into the button lit up and the doors closed. After about a minute of her own voice singing over the speakers in the elevator the doors opened to a kind of boat garage. All the boats were already in the water so Nyra just needed to pick a boat; open the garage door and then they would be off. She didn't need a yacht and it was too cold for a speed boat. Deciding to just keep things simple she grabbed the keys for one of the motor boats.

"Come on, over here."

"That was fast." Sebastian said, smoothing down his hair which had gotten disheveled due to the wind.

"Oh boats can go much faster than this." Nyra said, carefully making sure no one was looking before tying off the boat with magic. They had landed in Piraeus, a port town in Greece. Nyra planned on picking up one of the cars from a private garage the witch's owned and make the twenty minute drive to Athens.

"Let's not see how fast." Ciel said, standing up a little stiffly. Perhaps the fast boat ride had been a bit much for him. They only had steamboats in his time, but now they had motorized boats that could go far faster than that.

"Sorry Ciel." Nyra said sheepishly. 'Maybe I should tone it down a bit.' She thought to herself. "It's gonna take twenty minutes for me to get us to Athens from here. I was thinking we could to the National Archaeological Museum and then maybe head out to lunch at Spondi before going back to the hotel for relaxation and dinner?" Nyra suggested while she hopped onto the dock.

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