Butler's P.O.V

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I own nothing but my oc's. I need more reviews, without them I'll die. So if you want to save my life, review.

A butler's morning starts early. In the evening, no one's job ends later. In the morning, no one's job starts earlier. The mansion is defined by the butler's service.

"My hair has grown quite a bit..." Sebastian said, fingering a lock of hair. "Ah... in these circumstances I mustn't shorten it." He tucked it behind his ear, put his coat on and took off.

Sebastian met Nyra, the governess and witch along the way. Said witch was heading towards the entrance hall. Ah... that's right. She told Ciel she had a little shopping to do and got permission to go out. She was dressed in a black and green dress with long trumpet sleeves decorated with ruffles and lace hems, she wore a long black coat with fur on the cuffs and the bottom, and she wore her necklaces. Sebastian was sure he had never seen her without them.

"See ya later feathers." Nyra smiled. "And good luck handling the others," she smirked. "You'll need it." With that she skipped down the hall.

Sebastian rolled his red eyes in amusement. The witch had been calling him bird related names since the minute she walked through the newly constructed doors of the Phantomhive manor. Bird brain, feathers, feather brain, tweety, crow and now Romeo, Azzuro had given her the idea. She also enjoyed watching him get frustrated, since things usually didn't faze him.

"Alright, time to go." Sebastian said, straightening his gloves.

The first thing a butler must do is deliver that day's work itinerary.

"Good morning, everyone." Sebastian said as he walked in the door of the kitchen.

"Good morning!" The other servants said in unison.

"Mei-rin is in charge of the linens, Finny, prune the trees in the garden, Bard's job is to prepare lunch please. Mr. Tanaka can just drink tea." Sebastian instructed.

All the servants chorused yes, except for Bard, who was still half asleep. Sebastian then threw on his scary face.

"If you understand, then get to your jobs already! And do them correctly!" Sebastian said sternly as the servants ran out to fulfill their orders.

After the servants are sent out... next are the preparations for the young master's awakening and for the early morning tea.

Sebastian prepared the tea and wheeled the cart down to Ciel's room. Sebastian knocked before entering.

"Pardon the intrusion..." He entered the room. "Good morning, young master. It's time to wake up." He opened the curtains. "It's nice weather today." Sebastian mused as Ciel grumbled and rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes.

The master of our mansion, Count Ciel Phantomhive, is 12 years old and as the head of family he governs a grand domain. As well as that, he also acts as the company president for the toy maker "Funtom Company". Trough talented business maneuvers, he managed to create sister Funtom companies at the same time.

"Is it Assam today?" Ciel yawned.

"You are very adept, young master." Sebastian said, holding tea and paper with his shit eating grin in place. "I heard that is Assam quality tea leaves were made so I ordered some locally."

"By the way," Ciel said in-between sips. "The kids from Count Barton's Orphanage have been invited here."

This is in order to spread the noble's wealth in society. We will take some of those overflowing riches and give them to the nation. The noble family Phantomhive is no exception. They carry out their duty voluntarily for society.

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