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I own nothing but my OC's. PLEASE REVIEW! I need some help putting Madam Red in here. I had Nyra save her so that you could all learn about her past but now Madam Red is just kinda... there and I don't know what to do with her. Plenty of NyraxSebastian fluff ahead.

It was far past her usual waking time when Nyra opened her eyes. She sighed, feeling so much better then yesterday. Nyra got up and stretched, groaning before running a hand through her hair. She felt several knots in the back of her head.

"Must have the worst case of bed head ever." Nyra chuckled to herself before getting up. She took a shower, brushed her hair, braided it, brushed her teeth, put on a full length black nightgown, a dark green silk robe and some slippers. She walked out of her room and began looking for Ciel, Soma, Lau and Madam Red. It wasn't too hard to find them, just follow the scent of curry.

"That's odd; I used the finest curry powder." Sebastian said as the witch walked in.

"Curry powder?" Nyra asked. Everyone turned to face her. She ignored the surprise of the other's at her casual wear and continued on. "Why would you use that?"

"Because curry made from curry powder is an original tradition of British cuisine." Sebastian said.

"What is curry powder?" Soma asked.

"The curry that the Anglo Indians brought back to England in this period has firmly established British traditions in that type of cuisine. However, it's hard for novices to combine spices, so they put well-combined spices into one bottle and sold them under the name of curry powder." Sebastian explained.

"I have never seen that in India and Agni didn't use it." Soma said. "Spices will decide the color and spiciness but the most important thing is the flavor. The smell will fade away if you don't grind the spices. In my palace I have servants who are just for grinding spices." Nyra nodded at that. She had been a guest in some Indian palaces in her time and she remembered seeing some servants grinding spices.

"So, it's out of the question to use such a thing like curry powder that has already ground spices." Sebastian said. "What's more, Agni's curry has different tastes and colors depending on the ingredients. I think he combines them to match well with the ingredients."

"Well, first of all we need fresh, high quality spices." Nyra said.

"Then West is at an advantage. He owns a trading company and can easily import any spices he needs." Madam Red said.

"We don't have much time. If we don't instantly contact a trading company..." Sebastian trailed off before and everyone else's gaze zeroed in on Lau. He was the president of a trading company.

Two Days Later

"Amazing!" Soma gasped, looking at the spices he held in his hand. "They are all things I have seen in my country!"

Lau had brought in dozens of bags full of spices that were now in the front yard of the town house.

"Amazing!" Finny said with a bright smile on his face. "All of these are ingredients for curry!" He had five bags of spices on one shoulder.

Bard was struggling with one bag and Sebastian was carrying two bags. He probably could easily handle seven more but he needed to keep up his human facade.

"It all smells wonderful. They are premium spices." Sebastian said, holding a small handful of some spices from an open bag.

Nyra couldn't help but agree. Breathing in the smell of winter snow and spices, the witch sighed. She was wearing a blue sari at the moment, rather plain with a few gold tear drop shapes spread far away from each other. She had her mehndi done and was wearing a gold Matha Patti on her head with sapphires. Admittedly a sari did not go well with snow but Nyra had northern blood and did not get cold easily. Even if she did, magic was always a solution.

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