Competition Part 2

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I own nothing but my OC. Please review, they make me insanely happy. Tell your friends about this story, I want reviews! Love you guys. Enjoy.

Everyone turned to look at the woman who spoke in shock. Even the Queen seemed surprised that someone would speak so rudely to her. It was Mina, she stood at the table with all the other curries and was surrounded by a dark aura. Her eyes were also glowing red.

"How you flatter yourself!" Mina spat. "Equality? The future? Easy prospects for the Queen of a rich country to speculate on! But what do you even know!?" Mina yelled before smacking some of the curry off of the table.

"Mina!" West ran up to her and put his hands on her arms. "What are you doing!? You're in front of her majesty!" Mina then elbowed West so hard in the gut that he went flying into some plants.

"Restrain her!" A nearby police officer ordered.

"Oh shut up!" Mina said, taking a traditional indian martial arts stance before striking various officers. "You don't know curry! It's a caste marker!"

"How the hell is curry a caste marker?" Yanmei asked as she walked up to Nyra. She shrugged.

Viscount Druitt seemed to be the only one enjoying the spectacle. He watched Mina as she fought the police officers, completely enraptured. "Her legs move with such grace! Her hips are amazing! I'm sure this woman is the goddess Kali personified!" He continued to chuckle and enjoy the show. But Mina kicked a police officer his way. Yanmei darted over and spun him out of the way before dipping him like they were waltzing except she was 'dancing' the man's part. She had a hand on his back and was holding his hand with the other. Viscount Druitt was completely stupefied as he seemed to reflexively put his hand on Yanmei's shoulder.

"With those moves?" Yanmei asked, raising a brow with a smirk on her face. She then tugged him up so he was standing. She chuckled. "I don't think so." She then twirled him out so that he hid behind the table with the other judges before leaping off the stage. At this point several other people seemed to turn as well and began attacking others, ignoring Viscount Druitt's loud exclamation of "I'M IN LOVE!"

"The Queen!" Ciel exclaimed before taking off running towards her in order to defend her, Madam Red running behind him. Two of the afflicted appeared to try and attack them but Sebastian and Nyra jumped in, knocking them back. Sebastian was wielding a ladle and Nyra knocked him aside but when she touched him she sent enough electricity into his body to cause temporary paralysis.

"Well what do you know about that my lord? It seems Kali has risen." Sebastian said with a smirk.

Ciel looked shocked but he quickly composed himself. "If the story is correct Kali carried around a demon's head." Sebastian and Nyra both smirked. "What say you? Shall we disprove the legend then? I order you to stop Kali!"

"Indeed my young lord." Sebastian said with a boy as Nyra curtseyed along with him.

"I think I feel a song coming on. Yanmei!" Nyra called out, looking over to her friend who was fighting with three men at the same time.

"What?" She yelled.

"Feel like joining me in a dance?" Nyra asked, a smirk on her lips.

"I'd be willing to dance." Sebastian said.

"Yeah well I don't know if you can do the traditional Indian dances and besides I can dance with you anytime. I rarely get to see my friend." She then gently pushed Sebastian asied as she walked over to her fellow witch. "Not everything is about you Sebastian."

"That's two dances you now owe me." Sebastian called out but Nyra simply ignored him and began to sing.

Hey... Dhin Tadaak, Dhin Tadaak
(Indian Percussion Beats)
Aaja Ud Ke Saraat Pairon Se Bedi Zara Khol
Come flying at a rapid speed and unlock the shackles off my feet
Nagada Sang Dhol Baaje, Dhol Baaje
Along with the kettle-drums, the drums are beating
Dhaanye, Dhaanye, Dham, Dham Dhaanye
(This is used to express the sound made by these drums)
Nagada Sang Dhol Baaje, Dhol Baaje
Along with the kettle-drums, the drums are beating
Dhaanye, Dhaanye, Dhaanye Dham Dhaanye
(This is used to express the sound made by these drums)

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