We're In The Future

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I own nothing but my OC's. REVIEW! PLEASE! For more My Governess a Witch material, visit the Nyra Stark tumblr page. I will be posting this on there that you won't find anywhere else. Feel free to ask for drabbles, oneshots, headcanons or anything your little hearts desire. Also...are any guys reading this? I just imagine all of my readers are girls but I am curious if there are any guys out there.

For those of you who didn't read the edit in the second chapter I finally came up with a reason for Nyra to get sent back in time. She was working with a witch who had the ability to see into the past and through some freak accident Nyra herself accidentally got sent into the past.

Thank you to Ancient Glory for being my beta reader! Some of the OC's in here aren't mine, I only claim credit for what I created.

*Previously on My Governess a Witch*

Looking around the room she saw things that she didn't think she would see again for more than a century. A plasma screen TV, an Xbox and a bag of potato chips that one of the witches had stopped eating due to her surprise. That was when everything hit Nyra like a ton of bricks.

"Jesus fucking Christ, I'm in the twenty-first century!"

"We're in the 21st century?!" Ciel yelped, putting a hand over his contract eye since he didn't sleep with an eyepatch. Sebastian lifted up Ciel up and they both got off of Nyra, for which she was quite thankful for. Nyra got to her feet and brushed imaginary dust off of the skirt of her dress.

"I did it!" The witch sitting behind the crystal ball cheered in Greek. "I brought her back!"

"And some strays," another witch grumbled, toying with one of her black pigtails.

"That's not very polite," Sebastian said in Greek, a smirk on his lips.

The witch glared at him but before she could speak Nyra cut in, "Behave yourself Maria."

"What are you all saying?" Ciel asked, getting a little frustrated as he didn't speak Greek.

The witch, now identified as Maria, looked Ciel up and down before speaking in English. "Why are you wearing a dress?"

Ciel squawked indignantly but before he could snap Nyra spoke. "I said behave yourself Maria."

Maria held her hands up in surrender but still looked a little cranky. That was when the bubbly witch from behind the crystal ball launched herself over the table and wrapped her arms around Nyra. The older witch stumbled back a little but smiled and wrapped her arms around the smaller witch, a fond smile on her face. The younger witch had curly brown hair, bright brown eyes and a cheerful smile to match.

"I can't believe I brought you back!" She said happily.

"I know..." Nyra said. "Wait a second...how did you manage to do this, Doris?" Nyra asked, gently pushing the girl back.

"It may have taken a lot of research, meditation, searching into the past and a few dozen prayers to Kronos..." Doris said, gently pushing her fingers together.

"Guess it couldn't hurt to ask the God of Time for a hand," Nyra shrugged.

"Well I figured if I could send you back, why couldn't I bring you back to the present?" Doris asked, a cheerful smile.

"If you managed to send Nyra back in time, could you explain why she never ran into her past self?" Sebastian asked, assuming his thinking pose.

"I have a few ideas," Doris said brightly. "I figured I might have sent her into a parallel dimension but I know for a fact I don't have that kind of power. But if I sent her back in time then perhaps the reason that she never ran into her past counterpart is because the fact that two Nyra's at the same time would cause the space-time continuum to repair itself by merging the two and also allowing Nyra to keep her memories and-"

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