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I own nothing except my OC's. I'm sorry for the short chapters. This one is longer and I hope you enjoy. It is what you have all been waiting for and I found it very tough to right but I powered through it. Thank you Ancient Glory for being my beta reader. For more My Governess a Witch writings, visit my blog on Tumblr, Nyra Stark.

They were leaving tomorrow. Nyra had sorted everything out. Dorris and the others had been preparing the necessary magic to send them back and now they were simply waiting. It was eleven o'clock and Ciel had gone to sleep after having finally defeated the Pokémon League. Nyra herself had been organizing a bit of a concert the night they would be leaving. After all, what kind of singer would she be if she didn't go out with a bang?

Their last few days had been interesting. They had finished watching the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, watched a great deal of paranormal ones as well and Nyra had taken them out a few more times. Another museum, some historical districts in Athens, different restaurant and she had even gotten recognized by a few fans which was quite interesting. Ciel had gotten a few business ideas. Make products that could be used in a game like Pokémon, collectibles or customizable toys. Nyra expected to see a big spike in Funtom sales once they got back and put all of their new ideas into action.

She was standing on the roof of one of the upper party rooms above the water. The hotel wasn't completely under the ocean. They had a few restaurants, decks and party rooms up above. A couple of guests were milling about, chatting, listening to music and dancing. Nyra had spent about an hour down there with the guests, dodging and lying when certain questions were asked about her whereabouts for the past two years. She had dressed up of course since it was her last night to wear modern clothes before preforming. She kept everything simple but was wearing makeup for the first time in a while. In Victorian times, women actually didn't wear makeup. After going so long without it, the foundation felt heavy, her eyes felt sticky with eyeliner, shadow and mascara and her lips felt odd due to the lip gloss.

"Are you hiding from me?" A familiar voice said, an inch away from her ear.

Nyra spun so fast she stumbled a little in her heels and grabbed onto the voice's shoulder in order to steady herself. The demon smirked and wrapped an arm around her and pulled her away from the edge a few steps. She noticed that he was back in his normal butler attire but oddly enough, he wasn't wearing his white gloves. His contract mark and black nails were visible for all to see. Nyra also noticed that she couldn't hear the guests anymore. Had they all left or had Sebastian 'persuaded' them to leave? The only other noise left was the music still coming from the speakers below.

"Thanks." Nyra said before separating herself from him. "No, I'm not avoiding you, I just don't think that I need to constantly be around you, birdbrain."

"Well I've been looking for you." Sebastian said as he watched the witch pull fresh water from the ocean.

She removed the salt and froze some of the water into a mirror in front of her. Though not as reflective as glass, she could still see her reflection in the ice. Dark eyeliner, dark green eyeshadow, mascara and lipgloss. She used the remaining fresh water to slowly rinse off her makeup.

"Why? What do you need?" Nyra asked, removing her eyes makeup.

"To tell you that you were wrong." Sebastian said as the witch washed off her foundation.

"I'm probably wrong about plenty of things, feathers. I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific." Nyra said, removing excess water from her face after she finished cleaning. She started to examine her face, making sure she hadn't missed anything.

"You're wrong about me not having affection for you."

Sebastian's words caused the ice mirror to crack violently, leaving a spiderweb that distorted Nyra's reflection. Gritting her teeth she shattered the mirror herself and threw the shards into the ocean. She had been tempted to throw the shards at him but decided against it.

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