A Witch's Memories

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I own nothing but my OC's

It was a rainy night in London. Everyone was back at the town house. They had just finished dinner. They were in a comfortable sitting room, Nyra, Sebastian, Ciel and Madam Red. Nyra had finished the puzzle box; all she needed to do now, was open it. But she didn't want to do such a thing until they found Jack the Ripper, after that she would tell Ciel about the box.

"Is this really the time for a game of chess?" Ciel asked.

Madam Red made her move. "Obsessing about it won't help you solve the case. Why not just leave it all to Sebastian and Nyra dear?" She asked.

"Because they are simply my chess pieces. I'm the one who moves them by giving orders." Nyra and Sebastian stood in the background, the demon polishing china and the witch reading a book. "But they're no ordinary pieces." Madam Red raised a brow. "They can move as many spaces as they need to," Ciel knocked over one of Madam Red's pieces with his knight. "Like that."

Madam Red gasped. "That was against the rules you know." She placed her piece back up right.

Ciel rested his chin on his fingers, a slight smirk on his face. "Indeed. It would be if this was a game. But rules such as that have no true meaning in the real world. There're always knights who break the rules and pawns who betray. If you let your guard down, it's check mate." Ciel moved his knight.

"You must have had other options in life besides policing England's underworld? I'm sure my sister, your mother, wanted something else for you. And yet after their deaths you return to be the queen's guard dog. Is it because you're trying to avenge your parent's murders?" Madam Red asked.

Ciel finished his sip of tea before he answered. "The need for revenge is a funny thing; it won't bring back the dead." Nyra knew about that all too well when Arya died, oh well, it made her feel better when she got her revenge, if only for a moment. "Nor will it bring them happiness."

"But then-" Ciel interrupted his aunt.

"To answer your question I didn't return to the House of Phantomhive for my parents. I did it for myself. I want to find the people responsible for what happened and I want to make them experience the same pain and humiliation that I suffered." Ciel said seriously. Nyra felt a low growl bubble in her throat. She wanted to help Ciel get his revenge. Perhaps it was her sympathy for Ciel, or perhaps it was her protectiveness. She had grown to love Ciel, be it as a son or little brother, she didn't know.

Madam Red smiled at a memory. "I still remember when you were born, though it seems so long ago." She stood up and walked towards her nephew on the other side of the chess board. "You were so tiny and fragile I remember thinking "no matter what I have to protect him."" Madam Red gently stroked Ciel's head. "You know that I was never able to have children, but there was you and I've come to think of you as my own son. Which is why I wish you would quit this."

Ciel removed his aunt's hand from his head, surprising the red head. "This is a task I've freely chosen. It's still my choice to make and no one else's." He looked up and told his aunt seriously. "I don't regret my decision and I won't be coddled, by anyone."

Later Sebastian helped Madam Red place her coat on; Nyra had followed him to see Madam Red off.

"I have it now, thank you." Madam Red said.

"My lady." Sebastian said, the red woman seemed troubled.

"Promise me; say you'll never leave his side." She looked at Nyra. "Either of you. This is a dangerous world for a boy; make sure he doesn't lose his way."

Sebastian and Nyra both got down on one knee and placed their hand over their hearts. "Fear not." Sebastian said. "I swear I shall stay by his side until the very end."

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