This is a House of Horrors

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It will be a combo of both stories. I may have some arcs from the anime just, no killer angel.

(2 Years Later)

Nyra had been serving at the Phantomhives for two years now. Just as she predicted, her time there had been anything but boring. From solving crimes for Her Majesty, to teaching Ciel, to making fun of Sebastian to trying to keep the three stooges in line, there was never a dull moment.

Nyra had figured out how she got sent back in time. While she was working with a fellow witch, one who had a gift in seeing the past, she must have accidentally managed to send Nyra herself back into the past. How that witch had sent her room and belongings with her was a complete mystery.

"Nyra, it's time to wake up." Sebastian's voice rose Nyra from her peaceful slumber as he drew back the curtains, letting the sun shine right in her eyes.

She hissed like an angry cat and pulled her covers up over her head to shield herself from the evil rays of the sun. "Turn off the sun." She grumbled. Miss Nyra Stark was not a morning person, even after two years of getting up at six.

"Get up." He said, this time with more force.

Not wanting to go through with what would happen if he had to ask a third time, Nyra started to get up.

"Yeah, yeah, don't get your feathers ruffled Birdbrain." She groaned, climbing out from under the covers.

"We have a guest coming later this evening so be sure to be on your best behavior." He said, smirking at her insults as he always did. He then left her alone to give her her privacy. The first time he offered to help her prepare for bed, in a rather suggestive voice, she hit him with a bolt of lightning. Now Sebastian may be a demon but being hit with a bolt of lightning was still quite painful.

With Sebastian out of her hair, Nyra dragged herself out of bed. She wore clothes appropriate for Victorian times but wore whatever pajamas she wanted, which was typically a mid-thigh length black silk nighty. Around her neck was her choker and wolf pendant necklace. She never took them off, not even when she took a bath. The choker was for sentimental reasons, as it belonged to someone precious to her but the necklace was incredibly important. It was given to her when she was born in northern Norway, around 420 B.C.

Witches, all though capable of incredible feats, they needed something to focus their magic, otherwise there was no telling what could happen if they tried to perform magic. Nyra's wolf pendant was what focused her power. Every witch could harness the elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water, they could levitate and move objects, control the movements of others, heal themselves, fly on brooms and they all had their own unique powers.

Nyra stood up and walked across her room. Her room was very large, there was her canopy bed, and across from that she had a large couch in front of a mantel fireplace. Any wood in the furniture in her room was dark and the furniture was dark with occasional emerald green color. She had a large book case, artifacts hung on the walls or on display and a desk where she worked.

After Nyra squeezed into her corset, using magic to tie the laces, she got into her normal dress. Her dress was black; she had silver buttons all up and down the front, two on the cuffs and it picked up the back to reveal the dark emerald green under dress. She brushed her hair, put on her black heeled boots and then walked out the door.

By now Sebastian had given the other servants their jobs for the morning and was getting ready to wake up Ciel. Nyra smiled to herself as she walked down the hall, the sound of her heels echoing. Ciel, no matter how hard he tried to be respected and be treated as an adult, he still had his cute childlike moments. How, sometimes when she was reviewing with him late at night he would fall asleep on her shoulder, or her lap. Whenever Ciel would have a nightmare, he would have Sebastian get Nyra, since Sebastian would usually smirk about it, and she would come up, dressed in a full length black night gown and she would sit on the side of his bed, stroke his hair, and sing until he fell asleep.

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