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I own nothing but my OC's. PLEASE REVIEW! Also, something I want to try. I want to see how I portray my character Nyra to everyone else. How would you all describe Nyra, personality wise? Let me know in your reviews.

She was still staring at the window, her knees drawn up to her chest. It couldn't be happening. It had to be a dream, a nightmare, a ghost, a hallucination. But deep down, she knew it was real. Andrew was alive, somehow. How had that... thing... survived? It just wasn't humanly possible. The witch then heard footsteps coming towards her room. Her heart began pounding in her ears. Her door opened.



Sebastian found himself pinned to the wall, sharp spikes of ice pressed against him, one nearly touching his throat. He stared at the witch in shock. She usually wasn't this aggressive, not without reason at least. Looking at her he saw she was paler then normal, she had bags under her eyes, she was tense and he could smell the fear rolling off of her in waves. Realizing that it wasn't a threat Nyra waved the spikes of ice away. The demon looked her over.

"Are you okay? It doesn't look like you had a great sleep last night." Sebastian said, straightening his tie.

"I'm fine." The green eyed woman said in a quiet voice.

"Alright," Sebastian said, not believing her for a second which Nyra knew. He left and closed the door behind him so the witch could get ready.

Nyra went through her morning routine like a zombie. She used magic for everything, her clothes flying onto her, she tied her corset very loose, and her hair and teeth were brushed quickly. She felt dead on her feet and panicky at the same time as odd as that sounded. She had her arms wrapped around her as she walked through the halls of the town house. She met with Sebastian in the hallway, just outside of Ciel's doors.

"Excuse me...oh." Sebastian said. "It's rare to see you awake so early." Nyra poked her head in and sure enough Ciel was sitting upright in bed, waiting for his paper which Nyra handed to him. She gently sat down on the edge of the bed. The scent of tea didn't calm her nerves, but it helped a little and being around her boys made her feel a little more comfortable.

"I was feeling irritated so I had trouble sleeping." Ciel said, a tic mark appearing in his forehead. "It seems that those two stayed out all night. What exactly were they doing all night?" Ciel asked aloud, clearly irritated as he opened the paper. He then made a small noise of shock as he stared at the article.

'Another mysterious attack! A coffee house in Piccadilly Circus severely damaged!'

"So..." Lau said later that afternoon as he looked over the article.

"If I am to be honest," Madam Red said as the article was handed to her. "Those two were suspicious from the start."

"True enough," Ciel muttered opening another invitation. He seemed to get a new one every day. "I just don't see why those two would cause trouble. A grudge against the colonial rule? It just doesn't seem likely. Even if they do have a problem with the Anglo Indians returning to England, attacking them in such a fashion is just too risky." Ciel mused aloud before sighing.

"Most of all, if they are the criminals, why would they come and stay with me of all people? They don't seem to be all that 'suspicious,' do they?" Ciel said. Madam Red nodded in agreement, taking a sip of her tea.

Nyra wasn't paying all that much attention. She still couldn't shake the fact that he was still alive. How was that possible? It took every ounce of self-control to keep herself from crying and hyperventilating. On the outside she was calm, the only thing that could possibly give away her fears was the fact that her heart was beating at a mile a minute.

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