Picture Perfect

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I own nothing but my OC's. So sorry for the late update but I had finals and, life so I hope this makes up for it. It's over 7,000 words long so, enjoy.

Mei-rin, Finny and Bard stood in front of their young master. They stood at attention, backs straight as arrows but were making little nervous sounds.

"So young master, you wanted to speak with us about something?" Mei-rin asked, pushing her fingers together nervously.

"Yes I have a little job for the three of you to take care of." Ciel said calmly.

"J? O? B?" Bard, Mei-rin and Finny asked in the exact order. They then enveloped each other in a group hug crying with relief.

"See we didn't have to worry!" Finny cheered.

"When he called us I thought for sure we were fired yes I did!" Mei-rin exclaimed.

Ciel pulled out a camera and placed it on his desk. "This is a camera from the famous Talbot collection. It has a story behind it. It had been missing from the collection all together for some time. When it suddenly came up for auction I bid immediately." Ciel informed.

"Who's Talbot?" Finny asked, voicing the other servant's questions.

That's when the real Tanaka appeared in full size. "Full name William Henry Fox Talbot; let's see... he was a renowned English scientist and one of the inventors of photographic technology. There were some strange rumors about the last camera he used, the one our young master has acquired. Legend has it that if you use this camera to photograph someone, whomever or whatever that person cares about most in the world will appear in the photograph as well."

"Oh my, that sounds too incredible to be true!" Mei-rin swooned.

"Can such a camera really exist or is it just a rumor?" Bard asked as Tanaka went back to chibi form.

"Perhaps we should take a picture and find out." Ciel said, peeking out from the black cloth over his head. Finny froze. "Don't move, the exposure takes ten seconds." He removed the lens cover. Finny stood very still with a serious look on his face.

"Uh, what exactly is exposure?" Mei-rin asked.

"Basically the camera is copying down an image of Finny." Bard said.

"Stay still, or the image would blur and we won't get a good picture." Ciel said. "Eight... nine... ten." Ciel put the lens cover back on and took the black cloth off his head. "All done."

Finny let out the breath he had been holding. "You didn't have to hold your breath the whole time."

In a make shift dark room Ciel was finishing the photograph. He pulled out the dripping picture for everyone to examine.

"Wow! Look at that! It's my bird!" Finny gasped. Sure enough in the background there was a bird in midflight.

"Since when do you have a pet bird?" Bard asked.

"Oh it's so cute!" Mei-rin gushed.

"I gave it food every day... eventually it started eating out of my hand... I was so happy I went to give it a gentle pat and..." Finny grabbed a wooden bear statue and patted its head, causing the head to break off. "My little friend never moved again..." Finny finished sadly.

"Are you saying that he..?" Mei-rin asked, not wanting to finish.

Tanaka took a sip of his tea, ho'ed and then turned into the real Tanaka again. "Oh yes, I forgot to mention something. The camera has one other unique attribute. The new soul that it will show is not of this world. To put it plainly, the dead appear."

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