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I own nothing but my OC's.

Ciel was deep in a dreamless sleep. The bed was warm and comfy. Fluffy bed, nice...soft...and fluffy. Then he heard something.

"Ciel...sir? It is time to wake up."

"Ciel...sir?" Ciel asked, not completely awake. That wasn't how Sebastian normally woke him up.

"Good morning." Agni's smiling face quite close to Ciel's.

The young lord's startled scream shook the whole house. Nyra ran up immediately to see what the problem was but stopped and started to snicker. Sure Agni and Soma were imposing but they were hilarious and a great source of entertainment for the witch.

"Namaste, Ciel sir." Agni said with a bright smile. "Breakfast has already been served."

Ciel hurriedly covered his contract eye. "Wh...Why are you in my room!?" He asked.

"Excuse me." Sebastian said, entering Ciel's room. "Young..." Sebastian trailed off with wide eyes. Inside, Agni was lifting a disgruntled Ciel out of bed and Nyra was kneeling beside the bed, shaking with laughter and pounding her fist into the mattress.

"The food will get cold if you don't hurry." Agni said jollily.

"Wait a sec! What the hell is this!?" Ciel yelled, struggling valiantly to free himself from the Indian man's grip.

"I...can't breathe!" Nyra gasped, tears of mirth rolling down her cheeks as she started to roll around on the ground.

"Oyah?" Lau said, poking his head out from behind the door behind Sebastian. "It's been lively since early this morning."

"SEBAAAAASTIAAAAAAN!" The servants came running down the hallway. At their yell Nyra was immediately on her feet, next to Sebastian to see what the problem was. She wiped a few stray tears from her eyes and tried to smother her snickers.

"Need I remind you that we are in front of guests?" Sebastian deadpanned. "What did you do...again?"

"It's weird. The yard, the food, the clothes!" They yelled.

"Weird?" Sebastian raised a brow and Nyra tilted her head to the side. Meanwhile Agni was carrying Ciel off somewhere.

The laundry was on the clotheslines, billowing in the cold winter wind. The garden was trimmed perfectly and some of the hedges were trimmed into elephants. The table was set with a wide variety of traditional Bengali foods. Including, Nyra's eyes lit up at the sight, Mohan Bhog. With bright eyes she picked one up and popped it in her mouth. Sweet sugary deliciousness. Madam Red was sitting at the table staring wide eyed at all the dishes.

"What happened?" Sebastian said, staring in shock at everything.

"Ah! It was presumptuous of me but I've prepared all of this myself!" Agni said with a cheerful smile.

"Oh you shouldn't have! Please just relax as you are our guest." Sebastian said, walking over to Agni.

"Oh but it's nothing!" Agni said waving his hands. "The prince is of course excluded...however I am a mere butler. So I think the least I can do is lend the hard-working Sebastian a hand." Agni said with a bright smile.

"Agni..." Sebastian said in awe as the man before him seemed to admit a saintly light. Nyra snickered as she walked up to stand next to the demon. She quietly sang in his ear with a big smirk on her face.

"Wise men say only fools rush in
but I can't help falling in love with you
shall I stay? Would it be a sin?
If I can't help falling in love with you?"

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