Competition Part 1

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I own nothing but my OC's. PLEASE REVIEW!

"Wow! What is that large animal!?" Finny asked excitedly as he pointed towards an elephant that was all dressed up.

"That's and elephant. It's a sacred animal." Soma explained. "I have some in my palace. About ten."

"Amazing! You have these as pets?" Bard asked in shock.

"They can fit suck large animals in your house?" Mei-rin yelled.

"He means at the palace, like in stables or something." Nyra said, walking over to the rambunctious group. She was wearing another sari for the event. This time, a dark forest green one with a short sleeved choli and intricate but light silver borders. The wrap itself was somewhat translucent. She had done the mehndi on her hands as well as her feet which were clad in sandals. She wore her necklaces, diamond and emerald chandelier earrings and a matching Indian Tikka. It was a type of headpiece that looked like a pendant attached to a chain that rested on the forehead.

It took a while to convince Sebastian to let her wear the sari in public. But when Nyra brought up the fact that even if he forced her into a 'proper dress' she could just buy something at the shops that would undoubtedly be there. Sebastian gave up after that, muttering about a 'stubborn wolf.'

"Please try not to wander too far away." Sebastian said, exacerbated as the prince showed them a snake charmer.

"Yo Earl!" Ciel turned and saw Lau with Ranmao and Madam Red. Madam Red seemed a little less than pleased with Lau, bringing such a scantily clad woman out in public but she didn't say anything. She had probably already ranted at him anyway.

"So it's time for the big showdown eh?" Lai asked with a pleasant wave.

"You brought one of your girls even though you would be in front of clients?" Ciel asked.

"Meh, Ranmao is my little sister. Even though we are not related by blood. Ain't she cute!" Lau said, poking Ranmao's cheek. "I heard that during the contest they would serve curry to the audience. So I figured I could treat this girl."

"Is Prince Soma's butler really serious?" Madam Red asked. Soma was showing the other servants where his country was on a nearby display.

"He betrayed the master he regards to as a god." Ciel said. "Of course he is serious. It's safe to assume that this is all for the prince. He was probably told that once the plan is complete the girl will be returned to them... If so it sounds like a lie to me." Ciel sighed. "Well...should his plan succeed, letting Agni go after obtaining the royal warrant would possibly mean the leaking of his deeds...If I was West..."

"You would have him killed?" Lau asked with a shady smile.

"You really think it would be worth killing someone over?!" Ciel asked with a sigh.

"Meh, I'd do it if it was me." Lau said with a careless shrug.

"Good to know what your strategy is." Madam Red said with a sweat drop. Nyra snickered quietly.

"Meh. I'm much more interested in your strategy for today butler." Lau said, turning to Sebastian.

"That is..."

"Oh my... If it isn't Earl Phantomhive." A jovial voice interrupted Sebastian.

"Ah...Lord West." Ciel said, turning to face their current enemy.

"Long time no see! Ah, you've even brought Madam Red with you. It hasn't been since last years social events if I recall correctly?" West asked.

"It's an honor to meet you again." Ciel said. Madam Red curtsied politely. Ciel subtly glancing to where the prince was observing from behind a tree.

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