Movie Night

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Everything belongs to its rightful owners. If any of you have any ideas for what our trio should do while they're in the 21st century, feel free to make a suggestion. There will be two more future chapters and then our friends will be sent back to Victorian times.

They both decided to watch the movie. Now that the witch thought about it, Undertaker would have probably adored the movie even more, but it was sure to entertain her boys. Perhaps she would write the movie out in story book form and give it to the Undertaker as a present. Sebastian and Ciel were both impressed by the animation and Ciel even laughed a few times, particularly when Victor was wielding a dwarf and when Lord Everglot said 'there's an eye in me soup.' Sebastian only smirked a few times but when the priest was trying to ward off the dead only for them to reply 'keep it down, we're in a church' he actually laughed. Nyra had suspected that Sebastian would find that scene particularly amusing. Perhaps he had experienced something similar.

Towards the end of the movie Nyra proposed the idea of having a 'movie night.' Nothing but movies for the rest of the night and they could all take turns picking. Sebastian and Ciel agreed to that and Ciel picked out Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl. Nyra smiled, it was a very good movie and one of the best in her opinion.

But by the time they were done with The Corpse Bride it was getting close to dinner and Nyra suggested an early meal so that they could go through the movies uninterrupted. Sebastian wasn't the biggest fan of the idea of messing with the young master's eating schedule on top of everything else but Ciel and Nyra pointed out that they were practically on vacation so everything was supposed to be about doing whatever they want. Sebastian sighed but did as he was expected to do.

The kitchen in the suite was fully stocked as Nyra and her fellow witches never expected the students to cook for them. Neither one of the three of them were five star chefs but they could cook without burning the kitchen down and that was really all the skill they needed. Sebastian made a sufficient meal with what he had for the young lord and governess which was perfect as always. After that, Nyra sent them off to get into pajamas. When questioned she told them to 'just do it.' Opal would have finished with their clothes anyway.

Sebastian went off to help the young earl change and Nyra ran to her room to get into pajamas herself. She changed in record time, removing her bra, throwing on sweatpants, a sweatshirt and grabbing a couple of fuzzy blankets. As she was tying her hair into a messy bun she noticed that Opal had left clothes and pajamas for Sebastian. Once she was finished, she grabbed the pajamas and sprinted to the suite. Nyra flung open the door, causing Ciel to scream, cover himself and blush furiously but Nyra didn't pay the young boy any attention.

"SEBASTIAN! PAJAMAS!" Nyra said before throwing the clothes at the demon who was so stunned he didn't even react when they hit him in the face. Nyra quickly shut the door behind her and set about making other preparations.

She used magic to arrange the couch into a comfy nest of blankets and pillows while she grabbed a few microwavable popcorn bags and tossed them into the microwave. She then pulled out a few things of Coke and Sprite. She wasn't sure which Ciel would like but wanted him to try at least both. Sebastian was welcome to try some as well but since his tastes laid elsewhere she wouldn't be surprised if he passed.

When Nyra saw her boys get back in she laughed. Their pajamas were fine but what was written on them was hilarious. Ciel's shirt had the words 'Never underestimate the restorative powers of tea, a cookie and a timely slap in the face' printed on it. Sebastian had the words 'The awkward moment when you're about to hug someone sexy as hell but then you hit a mirror' on it. Nyra unzipped her sweatshirt and revealed a t-shirt that said 'Go to Heaven for the climate and Hell for the company.'

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