A Bewitching Preformance

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I own nothing but my OC's

Sebastian drove the carriage threw London. Ciel and Nyra sat inside the carriage. Nyra wore her usual dress along with her black fur lined coat. The witch and demon had been very distant and cold towards each other lately. She was upset about the interrogation and Sebastian wasn't about to apologize, she was the one being so secretive.

The trio were on their way to the town house. Nyra was bringing her bag, which was full of things required to tutor Ciel, and her puzzle box. The earl was sitting opposite of her with a letter in his hand.

Finally when they arrived at the town house Sebastian opened the carriage door. Nyra did not accept his hand when she stepped out of the carriage after Ciel. The both shared a cold glare directed at each other. A low growl rumbled in Sebastian's throat. The witch growled right back.

"Stop growling at each other." Ciel ordered. "I hate this; there are too many people in London."

"There is no helping it my lord." Sebastian said, opening the door for the young earl. "It is tradition for the nobility to migrate on mass to town every season."

"The season, eh? A waste of time if you ask me." Ciel scoffed.

"Getting away from the manor could prove a nice change of pace. It's a break from those four at least." Nyra couldn't help but sigh in agreement. "We could enjoy some peace and quiet for a time."

"Some peace and quiet does sound nice." Ciel said. When the door opened however, it became clear that peace and quiet was not going to be what they would get. The room was a complete mess. Inside were Madame Red, Lau, and Madam Red's Butler Grell.

"Goodness sake! Where do they keep the tea in this house?" Red said, pulling out a book from a cabinet.

"I can't find it either." Lau said, looking in a vase.

"Of course it's not in there, ugh!" Red growled in frustration.

"Madam Red? Lau? Why are you here?" Ciel asked, blue with shock.

"Ciel, you're early dear." Red said pleasantly.

"Your sudden appearance here in town, must mean," Lau began.

"The Queen's Guard dog has a new scent to follow." Madam Red finished with a coy smile. Ciel however, was not amused.

Soon, everyone was seated and Ciel was sipping his tea. Nyra and Sebastian stood behind Ciel, throwing occasional glares at each other.

"He struck again. Another prostitute was found gruesomely murdered in Whitechapel. These killings are far from normal. The amount of violence we've seen is unprecedented." Ciel explained.

"The most recent victim was a woman named Mary Ann Nichols. It appeared a special type of blade was used on her. She was torn up beyond recognition." Sebastian said.

Ciel continued the explanation. "The murder's unique style of killing has earned him a nickname from the press... Jack The Ripper."

"A frightening name, eh?" Lau said.

"That's why Ciel is here sooner than expected." Nyra explained. "He hurried into town to look at the situation himself."

Lua set his tea cup down. "But are you sure you'll be brave enough to stomach the crime scene?"

Ciel frowned. "What do you mean by that?"

"The sight of the dismembered body will certainly be horrific. And one can only imagine the stench. Blood and gore everywhere, surely it would be enough to drive some men mad. Are you prepared to see such a thing?" Lau placed a hand on Ciel's cheek.

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