Midnight Flights and Curses

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I own nothing but my OC's. About the new Tumblr blog, if you guys don't have a tumblr you can still ask questions or request headcanons or whatever. Just leave it in your review or PM me. Here are the rules for the ask. If you haven't heard yet, just go to tumblr and type in Nyra Stark. You should find it.

1. Be specific with what you ask. If you're not specific I may not get it right.

2. Up to five people per headcanon (Example: How would William, Sebastian, Ciel, Nyra and Grell be as parents?)

3. NSFW headcanons are allowed but I won't write scenarios or imagines because I am kinda shy about writing that stuff. It might change in the future but don't hold your breath.

4. No crossovers. It would just make things to complicated.

5. I won't give away big spoilers about my story. So don't ask how it ends.

6. AU's are allowed. NonHuman Au, Modern Au, Character Death Au, whatever...

7. One Shots are accepted. (Example: Yanmei and Nyra switching places for a day)

8. If want to roleplay with an OC of yours who is a witch you need to send me the character first so that they can fit within the story.

9. Be respectful of everyone, both me and others visiting this blog.

Submit whenever you guys want and i'll try to get it done as soon as possible.

Enjoy this chapter, it's full of NyraxSeb fluff and dark magic.

Nyra sighed to herself, looking up at the moon from her spot on the roof of the town house. She could see her breath but she wasn't bothered by the cold that much. With her northern blood she wasn't easily chilled. She had changed out of her sari, took off her extra jewelry and washed of her mehndi. She had put some shoes on and was wearing a black nightgown like she usually did at night. The moon was bright and shone down on the witch.

"What are you still doing up?" A familiar voice asked. Nyra turned and saw Sebastian standing behind her.

"Just relaxing." Nyra said, shrugging her shoulders and turning back to look at the sky. "I'm not tired yet."

"Aren't you cold?" Sebastian asked. Nyra could hear the smirk in his voice and rolled her eyes as he sat down behind her and wrapped his arms around her

"Smooth." Nyra said. "I don't get cold easily and if you really want to try something interesting, why don't you spread your wings again?"

Sebastian then felt something that felt suspiciously like a pole made of ice jab him in the back. It hit him right between his shoulder blades, as if it was trying to hit some kind of pressure point that would trigger his wings. Chuckling, Sebastian grew his wings and brought them around to his front so that Nyra could see them. Her eyes lit up and she eagerly ran her fingers down the front of his wing.

"You know I am quite proud of my wings." Sebastian said, watching the witch. "I've killed people for less."

"I don't doubt it birdbrain." Nyra said before turning to face him. "But I'm different from those poor souls. I'm special."

"Yes. Special needs." Sebastian smirked and chuckled when Nyra lightly hit him in the chest, a playfully offended look on her face.

She went back to stroking his feathers for a few moments, enjoying their softness. Nyra suddenly felt Sebastian's entire demeanor change. He tensed and she saw his feathers fluff up. Nyra had seen owls do the same. It was an intimidation tactic, to try and seem bigger than they really were. Sebastian wrapped his right arm around her chest and clutched her left shoulder. He wrapped his left arm around her and grasped her right hip. He then pulled his wings closer towards her, almost as if to cage her in. Looking up at Sebastian she saw his eyes glowing demonically. His lips were curled back, showing off his fangs as he growled at something Nyra couldn't see because of the way his wings were wrapped around her. But based on Sebastian's expression, she had some idea of what was going on.

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