A Different Talent

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I own nothing but my OC's. PLEASE REVIEW! Also, what do you think Nyra's circus stage name should be when we get around to the circus ark? Also, what time does that arc take place? Like what month? Also, Sorry I haven't updated in a long time but sadly, school is a thing. But don't worry, I have plenty of Nyra and Sebby fluff in this chapter.

Nyra said nothing as she watched Ciel. His eyes seemed to glaze over as he became lost in his own memories. Lost in the memories of being sold to that cult, being used in a demonic summoning and then only being able to escape by the miracle of a witch and demon. Nyra truly did care for Ciel. Ciel maybe moody, mulish, bossy, stubborn and moody, but he was also determined, clever, focused, smart and persevering. Nyra loved Ciel, faults and all. Ciel lightly touched his eye patch.

"Ci...Ciel..?" Soma asked softly, the young boy had been quiet for quiet sometime.

"I...I was being humiliated as a pet...my house was burnt, my family was killed." Ciel clenched his fists so tightly they began to shake. "I was such a...powerless kid. Therefore, I returned to this place in order to make those people who put me through such a fate taste the same humiliation. The successors of the generations killed three years prior would come to me as long as I am the head of the Phantomhive family that stands in their way. I'm waiting... for them to come and try to kill me here."

"Why... Why do you have to go so far?" Soma asked.

"Moping around filled with sadness and sorrow...what will come of that? Even dead people can do that. However...I'll live and stand on my own two legs. If we are to die one day, wouldn't it be better to have no regrets? I'm not saying that getting revenge or predecessors is an admirable thing. This is all just a past time of mine." Ciel said seriously.

"It is a game that could be won by either...those guys or I as the Earl of Phantomhive. Even though I was put in an abyss of despair, a place likened to hell... chance as thin as a spider's thread was sent to me offering the choice to crawl out. I decided not to give up and reached for it. We humans have that strength." Ciel said, clenching his fist. Nyra, Soma and Sebastian stared at Ciel, impressed. The kid gave a good speech.

"Though...grasping it or not is up to the individual. This boring speech is over." Ciel said, turning towards the door. "Sebastian, Nyra, I wasn't to have a talk with you two about West. Come..."

"Yes." Nyra and Sebastian chorused before following Ciel out into the hall.

"Ciel!" Turning, the trio saw Soma running to catch up with them. "I'm...so embarrassed!" Soma panted. He ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. "I'm already seventeen but I'm still a fool who knows nothing about this world compared to you. I have been spoiled with luxuries from parents...so I have never tried to understand other people." Soma grimaced and rested his forehead in his hand as though he were fighting off a migraine.

"Although I noticed that Agni had something on his mind, I never even bothered to ask him. So this time I want to know. I want to meet them directly and confirm their reason for leaving my side. That's why I ask this of you! I also-"

"I refuse." Ciel deadpanned, holding up a hand to stop the prince. Ciel then turned away from the prince. "I'm sorry. I just can't even look at someone who knows as little about the world as you do. Meh." Ciel shrugged. "My door is always open anyways." Nyra couldn't help but smirk. No matter how much Ciel claimed to be a cold hearted bastard, he was still such a sweet kid.

Soma needed a moment to process everything before he gleefully pounced on Ciel, giving him a big hug. "Ciel!" Soma cheered happily. Soma then froze, perhaps realizing that Ciel was not too happy with the hug. Nyra was actually trying not to laugh. Ciel looked constipated.

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