chapter five

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Harry pov                                                    I started to painc. He seemed to notice that so I had to lie even if I didn't like lying . I had to " she is my girlfriend " I said " ur gf why didn't u tell me that u had a gf ?"  He asked " we didn't go public yet and I had to be sure of my feelings "  I said . He smiled and said " sorry for barging like this  whats ur name love "  he asked  " darcy castillo " she replied " nice to meet u darcy Iam Louis Harrys friend " he said " where are u from love " " I am from here England " she replied " good  anyway sorry for coming like this  now iam gonna go harry bring her to dinner tonight she has to meet Eleanor u lucky man u got urself a pretty gf bye darcy see u at dinner " he said than left  . Harry sighed " why did u tell him that iam ur gf " said darcy angrily " what should I tell him that u are my friend he won't believe me anyway u have to get ready we ve to buy u a dress to meet Eleanor " I said " who is Eleanor " she asked " she is louis gf she works as a model she is nice  u will like her now since u don't have any clothes I will go shopping  for u " I said . She told me her number . I decided to go to the mall so I took the keys and left.                                                          Darcy pov,                                               harry went shopping . I sat down thinking about what happened and how I unintentionally collided with the vase and broke it . If I was more careful I wouldn't crush it stupid vase. Anyway why did he tell louis that I am his gf maybe he likes me. Fuckoff he would never love u besides he doesn't even know who I am . The time went fast and Harry got back he went upstairs he showed me the dress it was floral nice dress with red flowers on it " do u like it ?"  He asked " I love it thanks harry " I huged him" welcome "he replied " I should try it on but where is the shoes " I asked "here it is"it was red shoes . It matched the flowers on the dress. He went downstairs  to change . I changed  into the dress left my hair naturally.  I went downstairs harry was wearing a   white chemise with an airplane necklace he looked hot . He saw me his jaw dropped " do u like it " I asked " u look u look pretty " he said smirking " thanks u don't look bad urself " I replied " lets go " he offered my his hands I took them and we drove the car. Finally we reached Louis house. It was as big as Harrys . A very pretty woman of about 19 or same age as mine opened the door she had greenish eyes brown hair she looked fit. She welcomed us with a warm smile " harry welcome louis told me about ur gf congrats " she huged harry. They seem friends " iam darcy " " hi darcy iam Eleanor louis gf come in "she huged me we entered . " darcy harry " louis welcomed us. We ate while we were eating Eleanor asked " so how did u meet ?"  I looked at her for help so he said " well darcy was playing with her cat she lost it than I found it for her I asked her out and we started to fal for each other after that I asked her to be my gf " he said " was it romantic when he asked u to be his gf ?"Eleanor asked " yup it was on the beach he brought me roses thats all " I said " right harry " " yeah that's what happened " he replied trying to act normal " awwww thats so cute isnt it louis " she said " yup it is my love " he than kissed her on the lips . I looked at harry it was awkward  . After we ate I went with Eleanor to help her with the dishes she said " iam so happy for harry finally he found someone to love him after katy " " katy ?" I asked curious to know what happen " yeah she was his first and only love they grew up together for 10 years she was his first gf he lost her in a car accident when he was 16 it was terrible he kept sobbing over her and he didn't love anyone after her all of these women were just hookup not more he kept drinking till he started to feel a little bit better  since a few months I am glad he found u " she smiled . I smiled back " lets drink who wants to go first " asked louis " me " I said  I don't know what happened to me I have never drank I felt the urge to drink to forget about katy was I jealous of someone dead yes I was supid right why am I jelous I don't love harry am I . " are u sure darcy can u drink ?" Harry asked  he seemed worried about me ." I do I am not a kid u know I am 18" I kept drinking and drinking till I was sobber I felt headache " least go darcy thats enough its ur 11 glass " he said grabbing my hands " no plz let's stay " I pleaded " comeon bye louis thank you guys for inviting us we ve to go darcy is sobber " he said waved to them then left he carried me bride. When we arrived home . He took off my shoes and his clothes except his boxers tucked me in  I started to drift to sleep I was feeling dizzy " mommy daddy forgive me I miss u guys I should ve never left " I didn't even know that I was crying in my sleep . Harry wiped my tears brought me to his chest I stopping crying and fell asleep listening to his heart beats harry was confused what did darcy mean?  why did she get drink so much there  ?

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