chapter 7

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Darcy pov,                                                                                                           I was shocked. So that who he really is? I am so angry that I feel angry. Why why I feel betrayed.  I amnot even his gf. Iam just his fake gf .we aren't real and I even doubt that he has feelings. The blond girl walked to me as soon as she saw me she said before leaving " Is that ur gf harry u could do better " she looked at me with disgust than left . My eyes were filled with tears but I refused to let them down. " darcy I swear it's not what it looks like" he said . " don't don't try to explain its ok u don't have to we aren't even together " I faked smiled . He saw my eyes that were filled with tears. " I swear she throw her self at me" I interrupted him " its ok Harry I have to go " I said . " why did u come?" He asked " did u need sth?" " no I just wanted to check on u good bye " I said than ran away fast fast till I was out of the studio I stood in the alley. I started to cry. " why am I such an idiot I  ..I th thought that he likes me" I wipped my tears.  "I ve to be strong I ve to find a place to stay " I said than I went to the apartment.  I kept crying and crying I just can't.  I like him so much.  How he can be so blind.?! I kept crying till I found myself asleep.                                                   Harry pov,                                            I can't believe that this blondie throw herself on me. I don't even love could she say that about darcy? Darcy is one of the most beautiful amazing girls I have evrer met.  I can't believe she was about to cry because of me. Her beautiful eyes were filled with tears. I feel so guilty I was deep in my thoughts when I heard the door knock " come in" I said " hey mate what's wrong I just saw Darcy runing she was crying" said liam " Caroline came and she threw herself at me she kissed me when I tried to push her darcy came in she thought that we were kissing" I said .my head was in my hands." Then explain to her" said liam " I tried she didn't listen " I sighed. " then why didn't u run away after her" he asked confusingly" It's complicated" I was almost 11 oclock. I decided to go home.  I can't keep avoiding her. When I entered the room. I found her asleep. She had stained tears.on her face. I wipied them. I felt guilty, I couldn't sleep I kept thinking and thinking till I drifted tosleep.                                                             Darcy pov,                                            it was 12 at midnight.  Harry was asleep. I changed back to my dress and decided to write him a letter. than I put my gift on the letter. Than I kissed his checks careful not to disturb his sleeping. I decided to find another place to stay. Although I don't have money but I can't just return back to the castle.                   Harry pov,                                           I wake up . It was 12 so I slept an hour.  I decided to go to my room to check on darcy. When I went upstairs.  She wasn't there .my heart started to beat fast I kept calling her name,I searched every room. She was no where to be found . When I went to the living room.  I found a lettre I opened it                                               dear harry,                                           thank you for everything that u did to helpme. U helped me ,u gave me a place to sleep and food to eat. The past few days were  the greatest days in my life.i can't thank u enough. Don't worry about me . I will find a place to stay and about what happened .don't worry u don't have to explain anything.  I will miss u harry and I will miss u and the boys too. Thanks for everything. I bought u this simple gift for nursing me hope that u won't forget me harry.                                  Love,                                                     darcy                                                     I didn't notice mytears that were falling. I opened the box. It was a beautiful necklace with the d and h lettre wrapped around each other.  It was pretty.  I ran as fast as I could. I have to find her. I can't lose her.                                                                              Darcy pov,                                          I kept runing . I saw some guards one of them pointed at me " is this the princess?" He pointed at me. They can't find me I started to run as fast as I can.finally they can't find me. I didn't notice that iwas in the middle of the road and it was raining.  The car approached so fast. I stood frozen. I couldn't move . The car approached more and I felt that  this is the end. Iam gonna  die. I didn't think that I will wnd up like this. I wish I didn't leave the castle. Mum dad I love u forgive me. My whole life was frozen at this point and I felt numb.

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