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Darcy pov, the next day the lads came into the house when they were having breakfast. I decided to call ella so I went upstairs. After I finished my call .I heard the boys talking" don't worry haz he is just a friend" louis said." I am not worried it is just that they seemed to be more than just FRIENDS he kissed her on the cheeks" harry said angrily." Well I sometimes kiss my friends on the cheeks so what it doesn't mean that sth is betn us " louis said."idk guys I just don't like him he seems over friendly" harry said" aww is our haz jealous?" Niall mocked him" fuck off niall" harry said. "I wanna meet this mysterious man how about we make a barbecue party and invite him"liam suggested"i agree that's the only way to make sure if he is just a friend or more" said louis . I went downstairs pretending that i didnt hear them. " hey darc we are gonna make a barbecue party how about inviting el and her bro" said harry"good i will text her"i said. I texted el telling her about the party. She was confused but she agreed.
At the barbecue party, me and the lads were having fun when el and austin arrived .i welcomed them "hey guys iam austin ella brother" asutin said."nice meeting u austin ah so u re the mysterious lad" said louis cheeking hands with him. Austin was confused."this is elanor my gf" said louis." Hey eleanor" he said." Hey austin "said eleanor. After greetings. Me and austin decided to walk for a little time. Than we layed down on the grass" U didnt tell me that u and harry are love buddies" he said." We arent trust me we are just friends" i laughed."i dont think so did u see his look when he saw us cuddling. He was so angry" austin said."idk anyway tell me did u find ur soulmate" i asked." Soul mate?" He laughed"do u still believe that shit "" it isnot shit and yes i still do believe that one day u will find ur other half" i said." How about u darc did u meet someone?" He asked"idk iam so confused " i said."how i dare meet someone and leave my prince " he laughed." Do u miss ur parents?"he asked" yeah i mean being away from them and stuff but i dont regret it at all" i said " ok enough talking will u give me the honour princess of having this dance " he kneed on his leg offering me his hands playing gentleman so i decided ro just fo with the flow"ofcourse my prince"i said .we started dancing and laughing. I captured harrys eyes on us but i ignored him . Niall pov, ella looked so pretty today so i decided to be a man and ask her out. I apporached her she was standing alone"so el how are u doing?" I asked nervously." Fine niall and u" she replied." Good i wanted to...." i said comeon niall be aman"wanted to what?"she asked confused." To go with me to the movies"i said" like a date" she asked " if u want or we can just go as friends" i said" we can just go as friends see u tomorrow pick me up at 8" she smiled and left. I stood frozen . I couldnt believe that she agreed to go with me although we will go as friends but i can make her change her mind about me" whats wrong mate u seem speechless?" Asked liam" i..i asked ella if she wants to go with me to the movies and she agreed to go with me" i said." Congrats mate iam happy for u" said liam patting me on the back than left. I was grinning like an idiot god iam so happy. Darcypov, when me and austin were laughing at his silly jokes. Harry came" come on guys the food is ready" he said. We joined the guys after that the lads decided to have a football match. Since all of them are good at football except me .i decided to sitdown and cheer for them. Liam ,louis,harry were ona team austim,ella,niall were on the other team and zayn was the judge. I was cheering for both teams. The game started so strong. Harrys team already scored a goal.niall was aganist louis. They were trying to get the ball when niall scored a it was austin and harrys turn
"Comeon austin " i cheered. Harry looked at me angrily and was staring at me when austin scored agoal"come on whats wrong with u focus on theball" said liam scolding harry.i felt bad for him. Half an hour passed and both teams were strong but austin team was gonna win and there is 15 min left 5,4 .harry kicked the ball so angrily and scored a goal. So they become equal .austin fell down trying to catch the ball. "Austin are u ok?" Asked ella and niall. Harry was abnormal he was kicking the balk really hard. As he was trying to kick austin. " iam fine dont worry guys" austin saidand went up to complete the game. He kicked the ball and scored a goal so they are equal." Comeon guys5 min and the one who scores this is the winner"zayn said. Austin kicked the ball and scored the goal hitting harry in his leg . He wass trying to catch the ball." The winner is austin team" said zayn loudly. They were cheering.when harry fell on the ground" haz whats wrong?"asked liam.louis tried to make harry walk but he fell down. I stood up and went to the playground" harry can u walk?"l asked worried.he groaned when i touched his leg" i think he broke it liam call an ambulance".soon the ambulance came and went to the hospital waiting for the doctor to check on harry.soon the doctor came " who is here for mr styles?" He asked" we are sir whats wrong?" I asked worried."he broke his leg but dont worry he will be incast for 3 weeks than he will be fine. He cant use his leg alot. He has to relax and someone has to take care of him anyway u can see him now he can leave the hospital" the doctor said. We all went inside the room" aww hary we were so worried" i hugged him" we were worried mate " said the lads hugging him. He groaned " sorry " they said. After that we went to home me and harry. I helped him to go upstairs and went fo pickup clothes for him to change. I started to take off his shirt. His body was amazing. I was blushing anyway i put on his shirt. " idk why u kicked the ball so hard harry ?" I askedconfused. "I was angry" he said " of austin" i asked. I tried to take off his pants but i hesited . He took them off and put on his pajiams pants i turned my face away than looked at him when he finished" why? Did he do sth?" I asked" were u jelous?"" Maybe " he said

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