chapter 45

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      Darcy pov ,                                                                                                                                                                                ( i didnt hear anything ) she said confused ( i don't ...

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      Darcy pov ,                                                                                                                                                                                ( i didnt hear anything ) she said confused ( i don't know i think  i heard some footsteps ) i said ( see u started to imagine things that's why u should tell him ) she said , i didn't say anything and went to sleep . i am sure that someone heard us but i don't know who ? what if it is harry ? no that's impossible if it was him he would ve yelled and blamed me  but who is it ? i decided not to think anymore and sleep , god i feel so tired . i ve to rest a little , i lied down on the bed and closed my eyes relieved to see her next to be snoring a little . the next day i woke up to niall voice talking to the lads about something , i washed my face and brushed my teeth and went downstairs to see what is it ?( i dont know where she is ? i havent seen her) said harry ( where could she be ?) he asked confused ( what is going on?) i asked confused (its ella , i havent seen her she isnot answering or replying to any of my texts   , iam afraid something happened to her ) said niall ( what but she was with me before i slept wait one sec ) i told him and tried to call but she wasnt answering . ( omg where did she go , she doesnt even know Spanish ) i told niall who was freaking out ( i will call the police ) said louis ( good idea ) said harry , suddenly niall phone rang he answered it ( hello who is it ?) he said ( ella is it you where are u ?) he asked ( what try to explain the place ah ok i will be there in 5 minutes ) he said than hung up (is that her where is she ?) i asked worried ( she wanted to explore the city but she got lost and her phone battery died iam gonna get her ) he said and than rushed quickly , i sighed with relief.                      ella pov ,                                                                                                                                                                                   i am such an idiot , my battery died and iam lost dont know even how to go back to niall house  , i thanked the woman in spanish and waited for niall till i saw a car approaching me ( hey are u ok ?) he asked , he smeed so worried (iam fine thank u ) i hugged him , he hugged me back ( why didnt u tell me , i could ve showed u the city ) he said ( i dont know i guess i didnt want to trouble u and tehn my battery died iam sorry i didnt mean to scare u ) i apologized feeling guilty ( its ok just dont do this again come on i will show u the city ) he said ( really ?! have u been here before ?) i asked ( yeah me and the lads came here a couple of times i know a little Spanish ) he replied . he held my hands in his we went to explore many places ,  it wa amazing every place is unique in its way ( wow thanks niall Spain is really beautiful ) i said ( u are welcome love ) he said ( look this man sells disguise things lets buys  fake mustaches ) he said ( are u serious ?) i laughed at him (yeah iam , lets have them  to remember that we came here) he said, i nodded , niall bought them ( come on lets take a picture ) he said , we took a couple of silly pictures , niall is amazing , funny and makes me laugh when i feel sad . he is amazing lad.                                              darcy pov,                                                                                                                                                                                  i  was unpacking my things since i didnt unpack yesterday and was tired . when i was taking out my things i noticed a black lingerie which i bought with eleanor and sofia before , i didnt even wear it so i decided why not , i went to the bathroom and tried it on . i looked at myself in the mirror ( god what am i wearing this isnot me ) i said to myself , i look hot but its too reveling , i was in nothing but a bra and a thong suddenly i felt someone turn the knob trying t o open the door , it was harry (ahhhhhhhhh ) i screamed ( harry what are u doing get out ) i quickly wrapped a towel around my body ( wow u look hot ) he said , i rolled my eyes ( why didnt u hide that body  its a shame to do that ) his eyes were glued on my body checking me up and down ( u p..pervert get out ) i yelled at him ( i wont till u kiss me )he said ( i hear i swear if u dont get out i will ...) he interpreted me ( u will what bebe come on dont be shy u are beautiful ) i closed the door on his foot ( ow ow my leg fine i will get out ) he said than left , i sighed with relief . i was blushing  did he say that iam hot ? stop it darcy and wear some clothes  and get out of the bathroom , i bumped with caroline on my way downstairs ( i heard u ) she said , i looked confused at what she  said ( what ?) i asked confused ( i heard what u said yesterday ) she said ( lets talk somewhere else ) i said grabbing her arm and entered mine and harrys room ( what did u hear ?) i asked ( oh please dont play innocent u know what i heard exactly that u are a big big fat liar who knows and doesnt do anything but to lie to poor harry ) she smirked ( u dont understand anything u cant tell him ) i warned her ( oh really and what will prevent me  YOU ) she pointed at me , i rolled my eyes ( u dont want to hurt him do u ?) i asked her ( nope but i want him to know how his perfect gf is liar and was lying to him all this time ) she said (look if u think that u will make him love him by telling him the truth u are wrong ) i told her ( at least he wont be with u ) she smirked evily ( what d o u want ?) i sighed ( to break up with him ) she said crossing her arms ( what ?!) i said angrily ( i cant do that )( than i will tell him ) she said ( how he wont believe me if i told him that i hate him ) i told her ( than u ve to ignore him till he is bored i dont know just dont be close with him ) she said ( and what if i refused ?) i asked her annoyed ( than i will have to tell him ur little secret and  we ve to see what harry will say when he finds out ?) she smirked at me , i rolled my eyes i head louis from downstairs  ( guys come down ...... guys , its eleanor my gf returned back yayyyyy ) said louis loudly                                                                                                                                                                                

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