chapter 19

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darcy pov,                                                                                                                                                                                   the next morning i woke up. i had a headache and my eyes were red and puffy from crying . i noticed a bouquet of    flowers and a note next to it.  the flowers were violet my favorite type of flowers . they smelled great i picked it up and read it  .                                                                                          to: darcy                                                                                                                                                                                   i know i was such a dick yesterday not standing up for u and treating u like shit . i know that what i did cant be forgiven . i just feel so deeply sorry for what i did. if u can forgive and give me the chance to make it up for u . meet me at the park at 2 . i ve a surprise for u.                                           ps : thanks for the kitty u know that i love kitties                                                                                                    harry ;D                                                                                                                                                                                    idk if i should forgive him after humiliating me and treating me like shit. maybe i should give him a chance. i should listen to the reason he did this to me and for changing his attitude towards me . i looked at the clock . it was 1 and half . god i should hurry up. i took a quick shower and  decided to dress sth comfortable.  i decided to walk since the park was so near to harrys home. i went there . there werent many people. i kept looking for harry till i saw him.  he was standing smiling nervously . i chuckled at his face. he seemed cute. no darcy focus u are angry now. he offered me his hands like a gentleman. i took his hands and we sat down.        ( i am glad that u came i thought that u wont come ) he said. ( harry i still ididnt forgive u ) i sighed. (darc, i am so sorry ,i was such a dick yesterday i truly regret what i did  ) he looked at me in the eyes. he seemed honest . ( than why did u do it harry , why ?) i asked confused. ( i ... i ) he couldnt say anything.  i was about to go when he grabbed my arm. ( i .. i didnt want u to leave me . i heard when austin asked u to move in with him and ella . i was so jealous , i thought u will leave me as soon as i heal . i was so stupid ,i thought by treating u bad , i wont get hurt when u leave me and choose to stay with him ) he said . i was shocked, so he did this because he cares about me . i am such an idiot.  ( haz , i will never leave u ,u know that . i cant even if i want . u helped me , u cared about me when i was drunk, crying ) i hugged him . he had tears in his eyes. he hugged me back than i wiped his tears .he smiled at me (thanks darc, u really mean alot to me , come on lets eat and tell me ur opinion , i  cooked u my favorite . tacos) he said . i smiled at him and took a bit from it . ( so does it taste good ?) he asked . i nodded . after we ate, he brought his guitar agirlfriednd started to sing to me song. its called its gotta be you. it was great . he was looking at me in the eyes when he was singing . i felt that the words were for me . after that we went home relaxed and had fun . i cant help put falling inlove more and more with  him . his eyes are pretty and the way he looks at me in the eyes. i feel like heaven . i was brushing my teeth when i heard him talking to his lap . i finished brushing my teeth when  i  went. he was still talking to his lap. did he get mad ? thats when i realized that he was on tweet cam.  ( comeon darc Iam doing a tweet cam with the fans . do u wanna join me ) he waved me . i joined him on the bed . ( hey guys  iam darcy) i waved to his fans shying .  ( aww u guys are cute ) one of the fans screamed . i laughed me and harry . oh they think that we are couple so we have to act as one . harry wrapped his hands around my waist . although i know that we are pretending to be couples but it felt so right . ( so darc  what is favorite color ) one of the fans asked . ( blue ) i said . ( favorite hobbies ) asked another one .  ( dancing, learning languages also reading) i replied smiling at her ( wow u rock harry what it feels to have such a great  girlfriend ) another one with black hair , blue eyes asked (( i feel so lucky to have her as my gf she is perfect ) he said and kissed me on the cheeks . i smiled at him . (so darcy u are British ur accent is clear that u are from here ?) the same girl asked . i smiled at her ( yes dear iam from london )i replied . ( what is ur last name ?) another one blond one actually asked. ( darcy castillo ) i replied ( same last name thats weird , u seem like her ) she said ( like who ?) i asked confused . ( the princess of london, the one who ran away from the castle , castillo is her last name and she was 18 thats weird its like u are twins or maybe the same person) she said . i started to panic . my hands were shaking . i tried my best to stay calm and to act normal . harry looked at harry confused than he looked at me . i wished i could just get buried under a hole . god what should i do ??!!                                                                                                                                          

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