chapter 46

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darcy pov ,                                                                                                                                                                                  we all went downstairs to welcome eleanor  ( i miss u elea...

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darcy pov ,                                                                                                                                                                                  we all went downstairs to welcome eleanor  ( i miss u eleanor ) i hugged her ( i missed u too darc) she hugged me back  ( u dont know how louis was talking all the time about u he was nagging ) niall said ( hey i wasnt ) louis pouted , we all laughed ( aww i cant believe that my gf is here i missed u bebe ) he kissed her on the lips ( hey get a room ) said liam disgustedly ( u are just jealous because she is mine go to ur gf liam ) louis pouted his lip out , we all laughed at him ) what wrong ?) whispered ella in my ears ( nothing ) i told her trying to act normal ( and this is caroline she did photo shoot with us how lucky we are ) mocked liam (  nice to meet u ) elanor extended her arm ( me too so u are louis gf finally a pretty girl i had to deal with these too ) she pointed at me and ella , eleanor widened her eyes at how rude she is ( its normal get used to it ) i told eleanor who nodded  , she went upstairs with louis to rest ( finally i wont ve to sleep next to niall who snores ALOT  ) said louis ( hey i dont snore ) pouted niall . we decided to have lunch ( so since eleanor is here we ve to celebrate  how about going to the club ?) asked louis ( sure whynot ) said niall ,i was about to say yes when caroline looked at me glaring ( i .. i cant ) i said ( why ?) asked ella ( i just want to rest ) i said ( come on thats a lame excuse ) said ella ( iam just tired ok ) i replied to ella annoyingly ( come on darc i know that u wanna go ) she said pleading ( i said i CANT  ) i yelled at her , i felt bad for yelling at her and left the room .                                              ella pov ,                                                                                                                                                                                    ( whats wrong with her ?) asked niall ( i dont know ) i said ( she has been acting weird ) i was so concerned with darc, she usually doesnt yell t me except when she is so angry , anyway i cant      wait to have fun . it has been long time since i had fun , i hope not to screw up like last night , i cant get too drunk this time .                                                                                                                                           **************** time skip *************************************************************                   it was time to go , i fixed me hair and looked at my dress, i look so damm fine i decided to check on darcy before we leave i knocked on the door and entered , she was sitting on the chair swinging back and forth ( hey are u sure u dont want to go ?) i asked her ( iam  iam sorry that i yelled at you have fun ) she smiled at me ( thanks how do i look ?) i asked her smiling ( pretty u are always pretty ) she said ( awwwwwww thanks ) i hugged her and left , ready to have fun . when we arrived at the club caroline was all over harry , he tried to push her away but she was so clingy ( what a bitch she knows that he has a girlfriend and despite that she goes and be all over him ) i talked to niall holding my glass of wine ( she  just wants to be popular and gets him she doesnt love him ) niall said .                                                                                                                                      harry pov,                                                                                                                                                                                  god that bitch has been so clingy , i cant get rid of her . louis and elanor have been dancing , liam and zayn were talking and niall , ella were just chilling out and drinking . i miss darcy , i dont  know why she didnt come , she has been acting weird . i had a few shots , i started to feel dizzy ( harry .. u know that iam not the evil every one thinks iam ) hiccuped caroline ( i ve feelings too u know i just want u to love me ) she poked my nose ( u are drunk lets go ) i grabbed her arm ( no i wanna chill out i wanna drink till i ... d..drop ) i grabbed her ( guys we are going home ) i told liam who was total drunk nodded without thinking twice , i carried her bridal style and put her in the car (i... lets go to a hotel ) she said ( a ...h... hotel why ?) i asked confused ( i dont wanna return back there ) she said so drunk , i was too drunk to think so i drove to a hotel and brought the key and put her on the bed ( harry ...i... love ) she hiccuped ( you ) , i put a pillow under her head , she grabbed my shirt and pressed her lips onto mine , i pushed her away ( what are u doing ?) i asked , suddenly i felt my eyes drift . i dont know what happened all i know is that i woke up the next day naked with naked caroline and blanket over us , i took off the blanket , i wasnt wearing my boxers . shit this cant be , i cant , no nnnno i didnt do this to darcy , i dont even caroline how could i do such a thing , i fell on the bed again so frustrated , suddenly caroline opened her eyes ( good morning harry ) she yawned ( what happened yesterday ?) i asked angrily ( dont u remember we .. we slept together ) she said, my face turned pale.                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

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