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A/N: Okay, so let me explain. Or at least try.
First off, this is set in America. Because I know nothing about British schools or how they work. So let's pretend that Harry and Louis and everyone else are all just American, yeah? Cool.
Next, I had originally planned for this story to be a one shot, but then there were some...complications. So. It's going to be a chaptered fic BUT I have no idea how many parts there are going to be. There will probably be very few to be honest, but each part is going to be quite long (at least by my standards, I don't know), so don't worry.
Third, feedback makes me happy, so tell me what you think. And listen to the song I linked because I said so.
Fourth, idk why this is rated R, I originally rated it PG-13 bc there's nothing rated-R about this. But, wattpad changed it to R, so maybe there's something in it that was too "mature?" I honestly don't know, because literally, the worst thing there is in this is cussing...
As usual, I don't own anything or anyone in this story.
Lastly, thank you to Maddy for beta-ing and for putting up with my Louis-esque tendencies.
Happy reading xx

NOTE: I've gotten around to writing a sequel to this story! It's called "someone to admire," and if you're reading this story for the first time, you can choose to do whatever you'd like with it. What I mean is this: you can read the sequel side by side with this one in a chapter-by-chapter way, you can read it before this one, you can read it after this one -- it's all your choice, really! There's no particular order, because it's the same story in a different point of view, so you can mix it up however you'd like. Whatever you decide to do, I hope you like both, and I hope that each gives you a new feel/perspective for what's going on in the story:) If you want to check out "someone to admire" before you start, click the external link!

Dedicated to J. Without him, this story wouldn't exist. ♡


August 2013


On the first day of school, Louis is blindsided. Quite literally.

How? Well.

Louis knew that junior year wasn't going to be easy, and he'd spent the summer trying to prepare himself -- mentally, at least -- for the all-nighters and stress to come. 

But, nothing could have prepared him for this.

Louis sometimes wonders, if people realize how quickly everything can change. So many things can happen in such little time. Things that he never thought could or would happen, have the power to twist his entire life, warp it so that nothing's the same anymore. Do people ever think about that?

He surely didn't.

Louis thinks, when he walks into class on the first day at seven a.m, that this is going to be just another year: mundane, ordinary, unexciting.

How very wrong he is.


Harry Styles. A name Louis had heard before, here and there. A name he hadn't paid much attention to, a face he had glanced at from time to time as he passed in the hall. He's on the water polo team, so naturally, he's athletic and all. And yeah, Louis's always known he's objectively good-looking, but he'd only ever seen him from a distance. Overall, he's not someone Louis had ever noticed very much. 

Pity, that.

Niall and Louis stumble into history mere seconds before the bell rings. Louis shoves Niall lightly. "If you hadn't spent fifteen minutes complaining about dropping all your m&ms on the floor at your locker, we wouldn't have had to fucking run our asses over here!"

Niall rolls his eyes. "They were perfectly good m&ms! It was such a waste, Lou, you should've let me eat them!"

Louis gapes at him. "They were on the floor."

it makes me wonder ~ larry stylinson [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now