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So, seeing as most of you have been (very impatiently) begging me to update (or yelling for me to update, or both), I decided that I needed to get this up as quickly as possible, so here it is!
I had wanted to write more, but since you guys are going kinda cray, I decided that it'd be better to post something tonight. You're welcome ;D
In the future though, please refrain from repeatedly asking me to update. I can only do so much, and I'm trying my hardest to get these updates as good as possible, as fast as possible. Don't worry, I won't suddenly cancel the story or anything so you don't have to remind me to continue, and it won't take me all that long to update each time, so just be patient with me please :) Don't think I'm upset though, because I'm not! I'm flattered that so many of you want me to update so quickly; it's just, I feel bad when I see messages telling me to update because I feel like I can't write fast enough and wah :( 
So, as a bit of a warning: this is kind of a cliffhanger. Don't worry, I'll continue in the next chapter :) 
As always, thank you for reading and for being so supportive! And another thank you to those of you who have voted for this story in the 1D Bromance Awards!
Hope you like it! Please comment with your thoughts aaaand ummm I think that's about it! Enjoy! x


Saturday morning rolls around, and Louis is woken by a heavy weight on his back.

"Ugh," Louis groans, breathless. "The hell? Who's  -- "

"Louis, it's time to get up."

"Zayn, are you fucking sitting on me?"

"Get. Up."

"The fuck are you doing fucking sitting on me? It's Saturday morning, why the fuck are you here?"

"Your mom let me in."

Louis rolls his eyes into his pillow. Zayn presses down further on his back.

"Fuck, Z, you're killing my shoulders, get off."

"Not until you get up."

"How am I supposed to get up if you're crushing my body?"

Louis hears Zayn sigh as he pushes himself off of Louis, and yes, Louis can breathe again. 

He slowly rolls over onto his side, squinting as his eyes adjust to the light. "Why are you in my house? We didn't have plans to hang out, did we?"

"Nah. I just thought you could use some help, is all."

"Help? Help with what?"

Zayn's eyebrows pop up. "The dance?..."

Louis stares at him blankly.

"The dance that you're going to with Harry?..." Zayn says, eyebrows climbing higher and higher with every word.

Louis yawns. "I don't know what you're going on about, man. Formal isn't until next weekend, I've got loads of time."

Zayn huffs. "Louis are you kidding me? Winter formal is tonight."

Louis sits bolt upright. "Holy shit, fuck -- that's tonight?!"

"Did you actually forget? Don't tell me you forgot."

"Well, I was kind of attacked in my bed by my best friend on a Saturday morning, so, I think I'm justified in forgetting a few things."

"This isn't just another thing, Louis. Damn it, how the fuck could you forget about Harry? He's your boyfriend, you dick."

"I don't -- I don't know Zayn, I don't know! Holy fuck, I'm -- I'm going to winter formal with Harry Styles tonight!"

it makes me wonder ~ larry stylinson [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now